3. Temporal Planning

This python notebook shows how to use the unified planning library to model temporal problems.

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3.1. Setup

We install (from github) the unified planning library.

!apt install graphviz graphviz-dev
!pip install --pre unified-planning[tamer,plot]

We are now ready to use the Unified-Planning library!

3.2. Demo

In this demo we show how to model a temporal planning problem using the Unified Planning library.

Temporal planning extends classical planning introducing durative actions, timed effects and timed goals.

We start importing the shortcuts.

from unified_planning.shortcuts import *

Now we start to model the MatchCellar problem.

3.2.1. Creating the problem Classical part

First, we define the UserTypes and the Fluents.

Match = UserType('Match')
Fuse = UserType('Fuse')

handfree = Fluent('handfree')
light = Fluent('light')
match_used = Fluent('match_used', BoolType(), m=Match)
fuse_mended = Fluent('fuse_mended', BoolType(), f=Fuse)

We create a Problem, we add the fluents to it and we set their initial values.

problem = Problem('MatchCellar')

problem.add_fluent(match_used, default_initial_value=False)
problem.add_fluent(fuse_mended, default_initial_value=False)

problem.set_initial_value(light, False)
problem.set_initial_value(handfree, True)

We create the objects and we add them to the problem.

fuses = [Object(f'f{i}', Fuse) for i in range(3)]
matches = [Object(f'm{i}', Match) for i in range(3)]

problem.add_objects(matches) Temporal part

Now we start with the temporal aspects creating two durative actions.

A durative action has a duration, a set of conditions associated to an interval/timing and a set of effects associated to a timing.

We define the light_match action setting a fixed duration and defining a condition at its start and three effects at its end.

light_match = DurativeAction('light_match', m=Match)
m = light_match.parameter('m')
light_match.add_condition(StartTiming(), Not(match_used(m)))
light_match.add_effect(StartTiming(), match_used(m), True)
light_match.add_effect(StartTiming(), light, True)
light_match.add_effect(EndTiming(), light, False)
durative action light_match(Match m) {
    duration = [6, 6]
    conditions = [
        (not match_used(m))
    effects = [
        match_used(m) := true:
        light := true:
        light := false:
    simulated effects = [

Defining the mend_fuse action we defined also a condition over an interval.

mend_fuse = DurativeAction('mend_fuse', f=Fuse)
f = mend_fuse.parameter('f')
mend_fuse.add_condition(StartTiming(), handfree)
mend_fuse.add_condition(ClosedTimeInterval(StartTiming(), EndTiming()), light)
mend_fuse.add_effect(StartTiming(), handfree, False)
mend_fuse.add_effect(EndTiming(), fuse_mended(f), True)
mend_fuse.add_effect(EndTiming(), handfree, True)
durative action mend_fuse(Fuse f) {
    duration = [5, 5]
    conditions = [
      [start, end]:
    effects = [
        handfree := false:
        fuse_mended(f) := true:
        handfree := true:
    simulated effects = [

We conclude the modeling defining three goals at the end of the execution.

for f in fuses:
  problem.add_timed_goal(EndTiming(), fuse_mended(f))

problem name = MatchCellar

types = [Match, Fuse]

fluents = [
  bool handfree
  bool light
  bool match_used[m=Match]
  bool fuse_mended[f=Fuse]

actions = [
  durative action light_match(Match m) {
    duration = [6, 6]
    conditions = [
        (not match_used(m))
    effects = [
        match_used(m) := true:
        light := true:
        light := false:
    simulated effects = [
  durative action mend_fuse(Fuse f) {
    duration = [5, 5]
    conditions = [
      [start, end]:
    effects = [
        handfree := false:
        fuse_mended(f) := true:
        handfree := true:
    simulated effects = [

objects = [
  Match: [m0, m1, m2]
  Fuse: [f0, f1, f2]

initial fluents default = [
  bool match_used[m=Match] := false
  bool fuse_mended[f=Fuse] := false

initial values = [
  light := false
  handfree := true

timed goals = [
  [end] :

goals = [

3.2.2. Solving the problem

The unified_planning can automatically select, among the available planners installed on the system, one that is able to handle the temporal features of the problem.

with OneshotPlanner(problem_kind=problem.kind) as planner:
    result = planner.solve(problem)
    plan = result.plan
    if plan is not None:
        print("%s returned:" % planner.name)
        for start, action, duration in plan.timed_actions:
            print("%s: %s [%s]" % (float(start), action, float(duration)))
        print("No plan found.")
NOTE: To disable printing of planning engine credits, add this line to your code: `up.shortcuts.get_environment().credits_stream = None`
  *** Credits ***
  * In operation mode `OneshotPlanner` at line 1 of `/tmp/ipykernel_153164/3087807287.py`, you are using the following planning engine:
  * Engine name: Tamer
  * Developers:  FBK Tamer Development Team
  * Description: Tamer offers the capability to generate a plan for classical, numerical and temporal problems.
  *              For those kind of problems tamer also offers the possibility of validating a submitted plan.

Tamer returned:
0.0: light_match(m1) [6.0]
0.01: mend_fuse(f1) [5.0]
6.01: light_match(m2) [6.0]
6.02: mend_fuse(f2) [5.0]
12.02: light_match(m0) [6.0]
12.03: mend_fuse(f0) [5.0]
[ ]:
from unified_planning.plot import plot_plan

Ignore the code below, it’s used to make this notebook also runnable in the Countinuous Intergation.

[ ]:
# Redefine the plot package methods imported above to print the plot to a temp file
# if the exception "could not locate runnable browser" is raised. This usually happens
# in the Continuous Integration.

from inspect import getmembers, isfunction
from unified_planning import plot
from functools import partial
import os, uuid, tempfile as tf

# Define the function that will be executed instead
def _function(original_function, *args, **kwargs):
        original_function(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as e:
        if "could not locate runnable browser" in str(e):
            original_function(*args, **kwargs,
                filename=f"{os.path.join(tf.gettempdir(), str(uuid.uuid1()))}.png"
            raise e

# Iterate over all the functions of the plot package
for function_name, function in getmembers(plot, isfunction):
    # Override the original function with the new one
    globals()[function_name] = partial(_function, function)
[ ]:
if plan is not None: