Source code for unified_planning.plans.stn_plan

# Copyright 2021-2023 AIPlan4EU project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from itertools import chain, product
from numbers import Real
import unified_planning as up
import unified_planning.plans as plans
from unified_planning.environment import Environment
from unified_planning.exceptions import UPUsageError
from unified_planning.model import DeltaSimpleTemporalNetwork, TimepointKind
from unified_planning.plans.plan import ActionInstance
from fractions import Fraction
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import (

@dataclass(unsafe_hash=True, frozen=True)
class STNPlanNode:
    This class represents a node of the `STNPlan`.

    :param kind: The `TimepointKind` of this node, it can be `global`, referring
        to the `START` or the `END` of the `Plan` itself, or `not global`,
        representing the `START` or the `END` of the given `ActionInstance`.
    :param action_instance: Optionally, the `ActionInstance` that this node
        represents. If the `kind` is `global`, this field must be `None`.

    kind: TimepointKind
    action_instance: Optional[ActionInstance] = None

    def __post_init___(self):
        if (
            self.kind in (TimepointKind.GLOBAL_START, TimepointKind.GLOBAL_END)
            and self.action_instance is not None
            raise UPUsageError(
                f"A global kind represents Start/End of the plan;",
                "the ActionInstance is not accepted.",
        if (
            self.kind in (TimepointKind.START, TimepointKind.END)
            and self.action_instance is None
            raise UPUsageError(
                f"kind represents Start/End of an ActionInstance",
                "but the ActionInstance is not given.",

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        mappings: Dict[TimepointKind, str] = {
            TimepointKind.GLOBAL_START: "START PLAN",
            TimepointKind.GLOBAL_END: "END PLAN",
            TimepointKind.START: "START ACTION",
            TimepointKind.END: "END ACTION",
        res: List[str] = []
        if self.action_instance is not None:
        return " ".join(res)

    def environment(self) -> Optional[Environment]:
        if self.action_instance is not None:
            return self.action_instance.action.environment
        return None

def flatten_dict_structure(
    d: Dict[STNPlanNode, List[Tuple[Optional[Real], Optional[Real], STNPlanNode]]]
) -> Iterator[Tuple[STNPlanNode, Optional[Real], Optional[Real], STNPlanNode]]:
    This method takes a dict containing a List of tuples of 3 elements, and
    returns an Iterator of Tuples of 4 elements, where the first one is the key
    and the other 3 are the elements in the list.

    :param d: The dictionary to flatten.
    for k, v in d.items():
        if not v:
            yield (k, None, None, k)
        for tup in v:
            assert len(tup) == 3, str(tup)
            yield (k, *tup)

[docs] class STNPlan(plans.plan.Plan): """ Represents a `STNPlan`. A Simple Temporal Network plan is a generalization of a `TimeTriggeredPlan`, where the only constraints are among the start and the end of the different `ActionInstances` or among the `start` and the `end` of the plan. An `STNPlan` is consistent if exists a time assignment for each `STNPlanNode` that does not violate any constraint; otherwise the `STNPlan` is inconsistent. """ def __init__( self, constraints: Union[ List[Tuple[STNPlanNode, Optional[Real], Optional[Real], STNPlanNode]], Dict[STNPlanNode, List[Tuple[Optional[Real], Optional[Real], STNPlanNode]]], ], environment: Optional["Environment"] = None, _stn: Optional[DeltaSimpleTemporalNetwork[Fraction]] = None, ): """ Constructs the `STNPlan` with 2 different possible representations: one as a `List` of `Tuples`, where each `Tuple` contains: `STNPlanNode A`, the lower bound `L`, the upper bound `U` and the other `STNPlanNode B` the other one as a `Dict` from `STNPlanNode A` to the `List` of `Tuples`, where each `Tuple` contains: the lower bound `L`, the upper bound `U` and the other `STNPlanNode B`. The semantic is the same for the 2 representations and the temporal constraints are represented like `L <= Time(A) - Time(B) <= U`, where `Time[STNPlanNode]` is the time in which the STNPlanNode happen. :param constraints: The data structure to create the `STNPlan`, explained in details above. :param environment: The environment in which the `ActionInstances` in the constraints are created; this parameters is ignored if there is another environment in the action instances given in the constraints. :param _stn: Internal parameter, not to be used! :return: The created `STNPlan`. """ assert ( _stn is None or not constraints ), "_stn and constraints can't be both given" # if we have a specific env or we don't have any actions env = environment if (env is not None or not constraints) and _stn is None: plans.plan.Plan.__init__(self, plans.plan.PlanKind.STN_PLAN, env) # If we don't have a specific env, use the env of the first action elif _stn is not None: for r_node, cl in _stn.get_constraints().items(): assert isinstance(r_node, STNPlanNode), "Given _stn is wrong" if r_node.environment is not None: env = r_node.environment else: for _, l_node in cl: assert isinstance(l_node, STNPlanNode), "Given _stn is wrong" if l_node.environment is not None: env = l_node.environment break if env is not None: break plans.plan.Plan.__init__(self, plans.plan.PlanKind.STN_PLAN, env) self._stn: DeltaSimpleTemporalNetwork[Fraction] = _stn return elif isinstance(constraints, Dict): for k_node, l in constraints.items(): if k_node.environment is not None: env = k_node.environment else: for _, _, v_node in l: if v_node.environment is not None: env = v_node.environment break if env is not None: break plans.plan.Plan.__init__(self, plans.plan.PlanKind.STN_PLAN, env) else: assert isinstance(constraints, List), "Typing not respected" for a_node, _, _, b_node in constraints: if a_node.environment is not None: env = a_node.environment break elif b_node.environment is not None: env = b_node.environment break plans.plan.Plan.__init__(self, plans.plan.PlanKind.STN_PLAN, env) # Create and populate the DeltaSTN self._stn = DeltaSimpleTemporalNetwork() if isinstance(constraints, List): gen: Iterator[ Tuple[STNPlanNode, Optional[Real], Optional[Real], STNPlanNode] ] = iter(constraints) else: assert isinstance(constraints, Dict), "Typing not respected" gen = flatten_dict_structure(constraints) start_plan = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.GLOBAL_START) end_plan = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.GLOBAL_END) assert start_plan is not None and end_plan is not None f0 = Fraction(0) self._stn.insert_interval(start_plan, end_plan, left_bound=f0) for a_node, lower_bound, upper_bound, b_node in gen: if ( a_node.environment is not None and a_node.environment != self._environment ) or ( b_node.environment is not None and b_node.environment != self._environment ): raise UPUsageError( "Different environments given inside the same STNPlan!" ) if a_node != start_plan: self._stn.insert_interval(start_plan, a_node, left_bound=f0) if a_node != end_plan: self._stn.insert_interval(a_node, end_plan, left_bound=f0) if b_node != start_plan: self._stn.insert_interval(start_plan, b_node, left_bound=f0) if b_node != end_plan: self._stn.insert_interval(b_node, end_plan, left_bound=f0) lb = None if isinstance(lower_bound, Fraction): lb = lower_bound elif lower_bound is not None: lb = Fraction(float(lower_bound)) ub = None if isinstance(upper_bound, Fraction): ub = upper_bound elif upper_bound is not None: ub = Fraction(float(upper_bound)) self._stn.insert_interval(a_node, b_node, left_bound=lb, right_bound=ub) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self._stn) def __str__(self) -> str: # give an ID, starting from 0, to every STNPlanNode in the Plan swap_couple = lambda x: (x[1], x[0]) id: Dict[STNPlanNode, int] = dict( map(swap_couple, enumerate(self._stn.distances.keys())) ) convert_action_id = lambda action_id: f" {action_id[1]}) {action_id[0]}" ret = ["STNPlan:", " Actions:"] ret.extend(map(convert_action_id, id.items())) ret.append(" Constraints:") def convert_constraint(constraint): left_element, lower_bound, upper_bound, right_element = constraint if lower_bound is None: str_lower_bound = "-inf" elif lower_bound.denominator == 1: str_lower_bound = str(lower_bound.numerator) else: str_lower_bound = str(float(lower_bound)) if upper_bound is None: str_upper_bound = "+inf" elif upper_bound.denominator == 1: str_upper_bound = str(upper_bound.numerator) else: str_upper_bound = str(float(upper_bound)) return f" {id[left_element]} --[{str_lower_bound}, {str_upper_bound}]--> {id[right_element]}" constraints = cast( Dict[STNPlanNode, List[Tuple[Optional[Real], Optional[Real], STNPlanNode]]], self.get_constraints(), ) ret.extend(map(convert_constraint, flatten_dict_structure(constraints))) return "\n".join(ret) def __eq__(self, oth: object) -> bool: if isinstance(oth, STNPlan): self_contraints = self.get_constraints() oth_constraints = oth.get_constraints() if len(self_contraints) != len(oth_constraints): return False for k, self_cl in self_contraints.items(): oth_cl = oth_constraints.get(k, None) if oth_cl is None or len(oth_cl) != len(self_cl): return False for self_c in self_cl: if not self_c in oth_cl: return False return False else: return False def __hash__(self) -> int: count = 0 for k, cl in self.get_constraints().items(): for lb, ub, v in cl: count += hash((k, lb, ub, v)) return count def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: if isinstance(item, ActionInstance): return any( n.action_instance is not None and item.is_semantically_equivalent(n.action_instance) for n in self._stn.distances ) else: return False
[docs] def get_constraints( self, ) -> Dict[ STNPlanNode, List[Tuple[Optional[Fraction], Optional[Fraction], STNPlanNode]] ]: """ Returns all the constraints given by this `STNPlan`. Subsumed constraints are removed, this means that the constraints returned by this method are only the stricter. The mapping returned is from the node `A` to the `List` of `Tuple` containing `lower_bound L`, `upper_bound U` and the node `B`. The semantic is `L <= Time(A) - Time(B) <= U`, where `Time[STNPlanNode]` is the time in which the `STNPlanNode` happen. `L` or `U` can be `None`, this means that the lower/upper bound is not set. """ upper_bounds: Dict[Tuple[STNPlanNode, STNPlanNode], Fraction] = {} lower_bounds: Dict[Tuple[STNPlanNode, STNPlanNode], Fraction] = {} for b_node, l in self._stn.get_constraints().items(): for upper_bound, a_node in l: if upper_bound > 0: # Sets the upper bound for b-a; b-a is represented as the # Tuple[smaller_node, bigger_node], so it is (a, b). key = (a_node, b_node) upper_bounds[key] = min( upper_bound, upper_bounds.get(key, upper_bound) ) else: # If the bound is negative, it is represented as a lower bound for a-b # instead of an upper bound for b-a (b-a <= x) -> (a-b >= -x) key = (b_node, a_node) lower_bounds[key] = max( -upper_bound, lower_bounds.get(key, -upper_bound) ) constraints: Dict[ STNPlanNode, List[Tuple[Optional[Fraction], Optional[Fraction], STNPlanNode]], ] = {} seen_couples: Set[Tuple[STNPlanNode, STNPlanNode]] = set() for (left_node, right_node), upper_bound in upper_bounds.items(): key = (left_node, right_node) seen_couples.add(key) lower_bound = lower_bounds.get(key, None) cl = constraints.setdefault(left_node, []) cl.append((lower_bound, upper_bound, right_node)) for (left_node, right_node), lower_bound in lower_bounds.items(): key = (left_node, right_node) if key not in seen_couples: seen_couples.add(key) cl = constraints.setdefault(left_node, []) cl.append((lower_bound, None, right_node)) return constraints
[docs] def replace_action_instances( self, replace_function: Callable[ ["plans.plan.ActionInstance"], Optional["plans.plan.ActionInstance"] ], ) -> "plans.plan.Plan": """ Returns a new `STNPlan` where every `ActionInstance` of the current plan is replaced using the given `replace_function`. :param replace_function: The function that applied to an `ActionInstance A` returns the `ActionInstance B`; `B` replaces `A` in the resulting `Plan`. :return: The `STNPlan` where every `ActionInstance` is replaced using the given `replace_function`. """ replaced_action_instances: Dict[ActionInstance, Optional[ActionInstance]] = {} replaced_nodes: Dict[STNPlanNode, STNPlanNode] = {} nodes_to_remove: Set[STNPlanNode] = set() for node in self._stn.distances: assert isinstance(node, STNPlanNode) ai = node.action_instance if ai is None: replaced_nodes[node] = node continue replaced_ai = replaced_action_instances.setdefault(ai, replace_function(ai)) if replaced_ai is None: nodes_to_remove.add(node) replaced_nodes[node] = node else: replaced_nodes[node] = STNPlanNode(node.kind, replaced_ai) stn_constraints = self._stn.get_constraints() # right_nodes are the nodes to the right of the nodes that must be remove. right_nodes: Dict[STNPlanNode, Set[Tuple[STNPlanNode, Fraction]]] = {} left_nodes: Dict[STNPlanNode, Set[Tuple[STNPlanNode, Fraction]]] = {} new_constraints: Dict[STNPlanNode, List[Tuple[Fraction, STNPlanNode]]] = {} for r_node, constraints in stn_constraints.items(): replaced_r_node = replaced_nodes[r_node] new_rrn_constraints: List[ Tuple[Fraction, STNPlanNode] ] = [] # rrn means replaced_right_node # the nodes added on left_nodes_set are on the left of the current node left_nodes_set: Optional[Set[Tuple[STNPlanNode, Fraction]]] = ( left_nodes.setdefault(replaced_r_node, set()) if replaced_r_node in nodes_to_remove else None ) for bound, l_node in constraints: replaced_l_node = replaced_nodes[l_node] if left_nodes_set is not None: left_nodes_set.add((replaced_l_node, bound)) if replaced_l_node in nodes_to_remove: right_nodes.setdefault(replaced_l_node, set()).add( (replaced_r_node, bound) ) new_rrn_constraints.append((bound, replaced_l_node)) new_constraints[replaced_r_node] = new_rrn_constraints for ntr in nodes_to_remove: left_nodes_set = left_nodes.get(ntr, set()) assert left_nodes_set is not None right_nodes_set = right_nodes.get(ntr, set()) for (l_node, l_dist), (r_node, r_dist) in product( left_nodes_set, right_nodes_set ): r_node_constraints = new_constraints.setdefault(r_node, []) sum_dist = l_dist + r_dist r_node_constraints.append((sum_dist, l_node)) if l_node in nodes_to_remove: right_nodes.setdefault(l_node, set()).add((r_node, sum_dist)) if r_node in nodes_to_remove: left_nodes.setdefault(r_node, set()).add((l_node, sum_dist)) new_stn: DeltaSimpleTemporalNetwork = DeltaSimpleTemporalNetwork() for r_node, constraints in new_constraints.items(): if not r_node in nodes_to_remove: for bound, l_node in constraints: if not l_node in nodes_to_remove: new_stn.add(r_node, l_node, bound) return STNPlan(constraints={}, environment=self._environment, _stn=new_stn)
[docs] def convert_to( self, plan_kind: "plans.plan.PlanKind", problem: "up.model.AbstractProblem", ) -> "plans.plan.Plan": """ This function takes a `PlanKind` and returns the representation of `self` in the given `plan_kind`. If the conversion does not make sense, raises an exception. :param plan_kind: The plan_kind of the returned plan. :param problem: The `Problem` of which this plan is referring to. :return: The plan equivalent to self but represented in the kind of `plan_kind`. """ if plan_kind == self._kind: return self elif plan_kind == plans.plan.PlanKind.TIME_TRIGGERED_PLAN: return self._convert_to_time_triggered(problem) else: raise UPUsageError(f"{type(self)} can't be converted to {plan_kind}.")
[docs] def is_consistent(self) -> bool: """ Returns True if if exists a time assignment for each STNPlanNode that does not violate any constraint; False otherwise. """ return self._stn.check_stn()
def _convert_to_time_triggered( self, problem: "up.model.AbstractProblem" ) -> "plans.plan.Plan": # Mapping from an actionInstance to it's starting minimum time and ending maximum time action_instance_map: Dict[ ActionInstance, Tuple[Optional[Fraction], Optional[Fraction]] ] = {} for node, time in map(lambda x: (x[0], -x[1]), self._stn.distances.items()): assert time >= 0 if time == 0: time = Fraction(0) if node.kind in (TimepointKind.GLOBAL_START, TimepointKind.GLOBAL_END): continue ai = node.action_instance assert ai is not None start, end = action_instance_map.get(ai, (None, None)) if node.kind == TimepointKind.START: assert start is None start = time else: assert node.kind == TimepointKind.END assert end is None end = time action_instance_map[ai] = (start, end) ttp_actions: List[Tuple[Fraction, ActionInstance, Optional[Fraction]]] = [] for ai, (start, end) in sorted(action_instance_map.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0]): # type: ignore [arg-type, return-value] assert start is not None duration = None if end is None else end - start ttp_actions.append((start, ai, duration)) return plans.time_triggered_plan.TimeTriggeredPlan(ttp_actions)