12. Plot library

This python notebook shows how to use the plot package of the Unified Planning.

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12.1. Setup

We start by installing the unified planning library.

!apt install graphviz graphviz-dev
%pip install unified-planning[plot]

We are now ready to plot some plans using the Unified-Planning library!

12.2. Imports

We need to import all the types of plan we want to plot, the plot functions and the actions.

[ ]:
import unified_planning
from unified_planning.plans import (
from unified_planning.plot import (
    plot_plan, # plot_plan plots all the types of plans, but is not customizable, while specific methods

from unified_planning.model import InstantaneousAction, DurativeAction, TimepointKind, Fluent, Problem, Object
from unified_planning.shortcuts import BoolType, UserType, IntType, RealType

Ignore the code below, it’s used to make this notebook also runnable in the Countinuous Intergation.

[ ]:
# Redefine the plot package methods imported above to print the plot to a temp file
# if the exception "could not locate runnable browser" is raised. This usually happens
# in the Continuous Integration.

from inspect import getmembers, isfunction
from unified_planning import plot
from functools import partial
import os, uuid, tempfile as tf

# Define the function that will be executed instead
def _function(original_function, *args, **kwargs):
        original_function(*args, **kwargs)
    except Exception as e:
        if "could not locate runnable browser" in str(e):
            original_function(*args, **kwargs,
                filename=f"{os.path.join(tf.gettempdir(), str(uuid.uuid1()))}.png"
            raise e

# Iterate over all the functions of the plot package
for function_name, function in getmembers(plot, isfunction):
    # Override the original function with the new one
    globals()[function_name] = partial(_function, function)

12.3. Sequential Plan

A SequentialPlan is simply a sequence of actions.

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actions = list((InstantaneousAction(f"a{i}") for i in range(1, 5)))
sequential_plan = SequentialPlan([a() for a in actions])

plot_sequential_plan(sequential_plan, font_size=14)

12.3.1. Plotting fluents in SequentialPlan

On a SequentialPlan, if the UPSequentialSimulator (in the up.engines.sequential_simulator.py) supports the Problem, the value of some arbitrary expressions or the value of some quality metrics can be plotted. This shows how the value changes during the plan.

Only numeric or boolean expressions can be plotted. Define the problem

The problem defined is a robot that moves from l1 to l4, passing through l2 and l3.

While moving, the battery decreases based on the distance from the locations and the total distance accumulates.

Note: the problem has specified only the parts interesting for this simulation. It’s not a complete problem to give to a planner.

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# Define the UserType
Location = UserType("Location")

# Define fluents
robot_at = Fluent("robot_at", BoolType(), position=Location)
battery_charge = Fluent("battery_charge", RealType(0, 100))
distance = Fluent("distance", IntType(), l_from=Location, l_to=Location)
total_distance = Fluent("total_distance", IntType())

# Define the move action
move = InstantaneousAction("move", l_from=Location, l_to=Location)
l_from = move.parameter("l_from")
l_to = move.parameter("l_to")
move.add_effect(robot_at(l_from), False)
move.add_effect(robot_at(l_to), True)
move.add_decrease_effect(battery_charge, distance(l_from, l_to)/2 + 5)
move.add_increase_effect(total_distance, distance(l_from, l_to))

# Define the Location Objects
objects = list((Object(f"l{i}", Location) for i in range(1, 5)))
l1, l2, l3, l4 = objects

# Create the problem, add fluents, the move action and the objects
problem = Problem("moving robot")
problem.add_fluent(robot_at, default_initial_value=False)
problem.add_fluent(battery_charge, default_initial_value=100)
problem.add_fluent(distance, default_initial_value=0)
problem.add_fluent(total_distance, default_initial_value=0)

# Set the initial values different from the defaults
problem.set_initial_value(robot_at(l1), True)
problem.set_initial_value(distance(l1, l2), 26)
problem.set_initial_value(distance(l2, l3), 50)
problem.set_initial_value(distance(l3, l4), 10)

# Create the plan to simulate
plan = SequentialPlan([
    move(l1, l2),
    move(l2, l3),
    move(l3, l4),
[ ]:
plot_sequential_plan(plan, problem, [battery_charge, total_distance])

12.4. TimeTriggeredPlan

A TimeTriggeredPlan is a sequence of 3 items. Every items is composed by an action, the time in which the action starts, and, if the action is a DurativeAction, the action duration.

[ ]:
a1, a2, a3, a4 = (DurativeAction(f"a{i}") for i in range(1, 5))
time_triggered_plan = TimeTriggeredPlan([
    (0, a1(), 3),
    (1, a2(), 3),
    (2, a3(), 2),
    (2, a4(), 1),


12.5. PartialOrderPlan

A PartialOrderPlan is a directed graph where the nodes are ActionInstances and the edges create an ordering between 2 actions.

In the unified_planning, a ParitalOrderPlan is created with the adjacency list.

Generally speaking, a SequentialPlan is a specific case of a PartialOrderPlan where every action has only one possible action that must be done before and one action that must be done later.

[ ]:
ai1, ai2, ai3, ai4, ai5, ai6, ai7, ai8 = (InstantaneousAction(f"a{i}")() for i in range(1, 9))
partial_order_plan = PartialOrderPlan({
    ai1: [ai2],
    ai2: [ai4],
    ai3: [ai4],
    ai4: [ai5, ai6],
    ai5: [ai7],
    ai6: [ai8],
    ai7: [ai8],

plot_partial_order_plan(partial_order_plan, font_size=16)

12.6. STNPlan

An STNPlan represents the temporal constraints from the events that must be performed during the plan.

An event is either the start of the plan, the end of the plan, the start of an action or the end of an action.

It is represented as a directed graph, where the nodes are the events.

There is an edge from the node N to the node M if N and M have a relative temporal constraint. The edge is labeled with 2 numbers, the lower bound and the upper bound to the time that can elapse from N to M.

For example, N –[0, 7]–> M means that M must happen after -or at the same time, since 0 is included- N, but no more than 7 time units later.

[ ]:
ai1, ai2, ai3, ai4 = (InstantaneousAction(f"a{i}")() for i in range(1, 5))
start_a1 = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.START, ai1)
end_a1 = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.END, ai1)
start_a2 = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.START, ai2)
end_a2 = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.END, ai2)
start_a3 = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.START, ai3)
end_a3 = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.END, ai3)
start_a4 = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.START, ai4)
end_a4 = STNPlanNode(TimepointKind.END, ai4)
stn_plan = STNPlan([
    (start_a1, 1, 1, end_a1), # Link start to end actions
    (start_a2, 0, 3, end_a2),
    (start_a3, 0, 3, end_a3),
    (start_a4, 0, 3, end_a4),
    (end_a1, 0, None, start_a2), # Action 1 must finish before action 2 start (or in the same moment)
    (end_a3, None, 1, end_a4), # Action 3 can finish AT most 1 after the end of Action4


12.7. ContingentPlan

A ContingentPlan is represented as a decision tree. Some actions can sense the initially unknown value of one or more fluents and decide which action to perform next based on the sensed values.

It is represented as a directed graph, with the nodes containing the action to perform and the edges labeled as the expression that must be True in order to take that branch.

[ ]:
from unified_planning.shortcuts import *
ai1, ai2, ai3, ai4, ai5 = (InstantaneousAction(f"a{i}")() for i in range(1, 6))
node_1 = ContingentPlanNode(ai1)
node_2 = ContingentPlanNode(ai2)
node_3 = ContingentPlanNode(ai3)
node_4 = ContingentPlanNode(ai4)
node_5 = ContingentPlanNode(ai5)
x, y = Fluent("x"), Fluent("y")
node_1.add_child({x(): TRUE()}, node_2)
node_1.add_child({x(): FALSE()}, node_3)
node_3.add_child({y(): TRUE()}, node_4)
node_3.add_child({y(): FALSE()}, node_5)
contingent_plan = ContingentPlan(node_1)

plot_contingent_plan(contingent_plan, font_size = 14, edge_font_size = 12)

12.8. Causal Graph

The causal graph of a problem shows how the different (grounded) fluents of the problem are interwined by the actions.

Every node of the graph is a fluent and there is an arc from F1 to F2 if there is an action in the problem that reads F1 and writes F2. If an action writes both F1 and F2 the arc from F1 to F2 will be bidirectional.

The edge labels are the actions that use both fluents.

12.8.1. Define the problem

The problem has a cargo at Location l2 that must be moved by a robot to a location l1.

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# Define UserTypes
Location = UserType("Location")

# Define Fluents
robot_at = Fluent("robot_at", BoolType(), position=Location)
cargo_at = Fluent("cargo_at", BoolType(), position=Location)
cargo_mounted = Fluent("cargo_mounted")

# Define move action
move = InstantaneousAction("move", l_from=Location, l_to=Location)
l_from = move.parameter("l_from")
l_to = move.parameter("l_to")
move.add_effect(robot_at(l_from), False)
move.add_effect(robot_at(l_to), True)

# Define load action
load = InstantaneousAction("load", loc=Location)
loc = load.parameter("loc")
load.add_effect(cargo_at(loc), False)
load.add_effect(cargo_mounted, True)

# Define unload action
unload = InstantaneousAction("unload", loc=Location)
loc = unload.parameter("loc")
unload.add_effect(cargo_at(loc), True)
unload.add_effect(cargo_mounted, False)

# Define objects
l1 = Object("l1", Location)
l2 = Object("l2", Location)

# Create the problem and add fluents, actions and objects
problem = Problem("robot_loader")
problem.add_fluent(robot_at, default_initial_value=False)
problem.add_fluent(cargo_at, default_initial_value=False)
problem.add_fluent(cargo_mounted, default_initial_value=False)
problem.add_objects((l1, l2))

# Set initial value and goals
problem.set_initial_value(robot_at(l1), True)
problem.set_initial_value(cargo_at(l2), True)

Plot the causal graph

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