Source code for unified_planning.plans.partial_order_plan

# Copyright 2021-2023 AIPlan4EU project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import networkx as nx
import unified_planning as up
import unified_planning.plans as plans
from unified_planning.environment import Environment
from unified_planning.exceptions import UPUsageError
from unified_planning.plans.plan import ActionInstance
from unified_planning.plans.sequential_plan import SequentialPlan
from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional

[docs] class PartialOrderPlan(plans.plan.Plan): """Represents a partial order plan. Actions are represent as an adjacency list graph.""" def __init__( self, adjacency_list: Dict[ "plans.plan.ActionInstance", List["plans.plan.ActionInstance"] ], environment: Optional["Environment"] = None, _graph: Optional[nx.DiGraph] = None, ): """ Constructs the PartialOrderPlan using the adjacency list representation. :param adjacency_list: The Dictionary representing the adjacency list for this PartialOrderPlan. :param environment: The environment in which the ActionInstances in the adjacency_list are created. :param _graph: The graph that is semantically equivalent to the adjacency_list. NOTE: This parameter is for internal use only and it's maintainance is not guaranteed by any means. :return: The created PartialOrderPlan. """ # if we have a specific environment or we don't have any actions if environment is not None or not adjacency_list: plans.plan.Plan.__init__( self, plans.plan.PlanKind.PARTIAL_ORDER_PLAN, environment ) # If we don't have a specific environment, use the environment of the first action else: assert len(adjacency_list) > 0 for ai in adjacency_list.keys(): plans.plan.Plan.__init__( self, plans.plan.PlanKind.PARTIAL_ORDER_PLAN, ai.action.environment ) break if _graph is not None: # sanity checks assert len(adjacency_list) == 0 assert all(isinstance(n, ActionInstance) for n in _graph.nodes) assert all( isinstance(f, ActionInstance) and isinstance(t, ActionInstance) for f, t in _graph.edges ) self._graph = _graph else: for ( ai_k, ai_v_list, ) in ( adjacency_list.items() ): # check that given environment and the environment in the actions is the same if ai_k.action.environment != self._environment: raise UPUsageError( "The environment given to the plan is not the same of the actions in the plan." ) for ai in ai_v_list: if ai.action.environment != self._environment: raise UPUsageError( "The environment given to the plan is not the same of the actions in the plan." ) self._graph = nx.convert.from_dict_of_lists( adjacency_list, create_using=nx.DiGraph ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"PartialOrderPlan({repr(self.get_adjacency_list)})" def __str__(self) -> str: ret = ["PartialOrderPlan:", " actions:"] # give an ID, starting from 0, to every ActionInstance in the Plan swap_couple = lambda x: (x[1], x[0]) id: Dict[ActionInstance, int] = dict( map(swap_couple, enumerate(nx.topological_sort(self._graph))) ) convert_action_id = lambda action_id: f" {action_id[1]}) {action_id[0]}" ret.extend(map(convert_action_id, id.items())) ret.append(" constraints:") adj_list = self.get_adjacency_list def convert_action_adjlist(action_adjlist): action = action_adjlist[0] adj_list = action_adjlist[1] get_id_as_str = lambda ai: str(id[ai]) adj_list_str = " ,".join(map(get_id_as_str, adj_list)) return f" {id[action]} < {adj_list_str}" ret.extend( map( convert_action_adjlist, ((act, adj) for act, adj in adj_list.items() if adj), ) ) return "\n".join(ret) def __eq__(self, oth: object) -> bool: if isinstance(oth, PartialOrderPlan): return nx.is_isomorphic( self._graph, oth._graph, node_match=_semantically_equivalent_action_instances, ) else: return False def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(nx.weisfeiler_lehman_graph_hash(self._graph)) def __contains__(self, item: object) -> bool: if isinstance(item, ActionInstance): return any(item.is_semantically_equivalent(a) for a in self._graph.nodes) else: return False @property def get_adjacency_list( self, ) -> Dict["plans.plan.ActionInstance", List["plans.plan.ActionInstance"]]: """Returns the graph of action instances as an adjacency list.""" return nx.convert.to_dict_of_lists(self._graph)
[docs] def replace_action_instances( self, replace_function: Callable[ ["plans.plan.ActionInstance"], Optional["plans.plan.ActionInstance"] ], ) -> "plans.plan.Plan": """ Returns a new `PartialOrderPlan` where every `ActionInstance` of the current plan is replaced using the given `replace_function`. :param replace_function: The function that applied to an `ActionInstance A` returns the `ActionInstance B`; `B` replaces `A` in the resulting `Plan`. :return: The `PartialOrderPlan` where every `ActionInstance` is replaced using the given `replace_function`. """ # first replace all nodes and store the mapping, then use the mapping to # recreate the adjacency list representing the new graph # ai = action_instance original_to_replaced_ai: Dict[ "plans.plan.ActionInstance", "plans.plan.ActionInstance" ] = {} for ai in self._graph.nodes: replaced_ai = replace_function(ai) if replaced_ai is not None: original_to_replaced_ai[ai] = replaced_ai new_adj_list: Dict[ "plans.plan.ActionInstance", List["plans.plan.ActionInstance"] ] = {} # Populate the new adjacency list with the replaced action instances for ai in self._graph.nodes: replaced_ai = original_to_replaced_ai.get(ai, None) if replaced_ai is not None: replaced_ai = original_to_replaced_ai[ai] replaced_neighbors = [] for successor in self._graph.neighbors(ai): replaced_successor = original_to_replaced_ai.get(successor, None) if replaced_successor is not None: replaced_neighbors.append(replaced_successor) new_adj_list[replaced_ai] = replaced_neighbors new_env = self._environment for ai in new_adj_list.keys(): new_env = ai.action.environment break return up.plans.PartialOrderPlan(new_adj_list, new_env)
[docs] def convert_to( self, plan_kind: "plans.plan.PlanKind", problem: "up.model.AbstractProblem", ) -> "plans.plan.Plan": """ This function takes a `PlanKind` and returns the representation of `self` in the given `plan_kind`. If the conversion does not make sense, raises an exception. For the conversion to `SequentialPlan`, returns one all possible `SequentialPlans` that respects the ordering constraints given by this `PartialOrderPlan`. :param plan_kind: The plan_kind of the returned plan. :param problem: The `Problem` of which this plan is referring to. :return: The plan equivalent to self but represented in the kind of `plan_kind`. """ if plan_kind == self._kind: return self elif plan_kind == plans.plan.PlanKind.SEQUENTIAL_PLAN: return SequentialPlan( list(nx.topological_sort(self._graph)), self._environment ) else: raise UPUsageError(f"{type(self)} can't be converted to {plan_kind}.")
[docs] def all_sequential_plans(self) -> Iterator[SequentialPlan]: """Returns all possible `SequentialPlans` that respects the ordering constraints given by this `PartialOrderPlan`.""" for sorted_plan in nx.all_topological_sorts(self._graph): yield SequentialPlan(list(sorted_plan), self._environment)
[docs] def get_neighbors( self, action_instance: ActionInstance ) -> Iterator[ActionInstance]: """ Returns an `Iterator` over all the neighbors of the given `ActionInstance`. :param action_instance: The `ActionInstance` of which neighbors must be retrieved. :return: The `Iterator` over all the neighbors of the given `action_instance`. """ try: retval = self._graph.neighbors(action_instance) except nx.NetworkXError: raise UPUsageError( f"The action instance {str(action_instance)} does not belong to this Partial Order Plan. \n Note that 2 Action Instances are equals if and only if they are the exact same object." ) return retval
def _semantically_equivalent_action_instances( action_instance_1: ActionInstance, action_instance_2: ActionInstance ) -> bool: return action_instance_1.is_semantically_equivalent(action_instance_2)