Source code for unified_planning.model.metrics

# Copyright 2021-2023 AIPlan4EU project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import unified_planning as up
from unified_planning.environment import Environment, get_environment
from unified_planning.exceptions import UPProblemDefinitionError, UPUsageError
from unified_planning.model.expression import NumericConstant, uniform_numeric_constant
from abc import ABC
from fractions import Fraction
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, Tuple

[docs] class PlanQualityMetric(ABC): """ This is the base class of any metric for :class:`~unified_planning.model.Plan` quality. The addition of a `PlanQualityMetric` in a `Problem` restricts the set of valid `Plans` to only those who satisfy the semantic of the given metric, so a `Plan`, to be valid, not only needs to satisfy all the problem goals, but also the problem's quality metric. """ def __init__(self, environment: Optional[Environment] = None): self._env = get_environment(environment) @property def environment(self) -> Environment: return self._env
[docs] @staticmethod def is_minimize_action_costs(): return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_minimize_sequential_plan_length(): return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_minimize_makespan(): return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_minimize_expression_on_final_state(): return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_maximize_expression_on_final_state(): return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_oversubscription(): return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_temporal_oversubscription(): return False
[docs] class MinimizeActionCosts(PlanQualityMetric): """ This metric means that only the :class:`~unified_planning.model.Plan` minimizing the total cost of the :class:`Actions <unified_planning.model.Action>` is valid. The costs for each `Action` of the problem is stored in this quality metric. """ def __init__( self, costs: Dict["up.model.Action", "up.model.Expression"], default: Optional["up.model.Expression"] = None, environment: Optional[Environment] = None, ): PlanQualityMetric.__init__(self, environment) em = self._env.expression_manager self._costs: Dict["up.model.Action", "up.model.FNode"] = {} for action, cost in costs.items(): cost_exp: Optional["up.model.FNode"] = None assert cost is not None, "Typing not respected" (cost_exp,) = em.auto_promote(cost) cost_type = cost_exp.type if not cost_type.is_int_type() and not cost_type.is_real_type(): raise UPProblemDefinitionError( "The costs of a MinimizeActionCosts must be numeric.", f"{cost_type} is neither IntType or RealType.", ) if cost_exp.environment != self._env: raise UPProblemDefinitionError( f"The cost expression {cost_exp} and the metric don't have the same environment" ) if action.environment != self._env: raise UPProblemDefinitionError( f"The action {} and the metric don't have the same environment" ) self._costs[action] = cost_exp self._default: Optional["up.model.FNode"] = None if default is not None: default_exp: "up.model.FNode" = em.auto_promote(default)[0] default_type = default_exp.type if not default_type.is_int_type() and not default_type.is_real_type(): raise UPProblemDefinitionError( "The costs of a MinimizeActionCosts must be numeric.", f"{default_type} is neither IntType or RealType.", ) if default_exp.environment != self._env: raise UPProblemDefinitionError( f"The default cost expression {default_exp} and the metric don't have the same environment" ) self._default = default_exp def __repr__(self): costs: Dict[str, Optional["up.model.fnode.FNode"]] = { c for a, c in self._costs.items() } costs["default"] = self._default return f"minimize actions-cost: {costs}" def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, MinimizeActionCosts) and self._default == other._default and self._costs == other._costs ) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__.__name__) @property def costs(self) -> Dict["up.model.Action", "up.model.FNode"]: return self._costs @property def default(self) -> Optional["up.model.FNode"]: return self._default
[docs] def get_action_cost(self, action: "up.model.Action") -> Optional["up.model.FNode"]: """ Returns the cost of the given `Action`. :param action: The action of which cost must be retrieved. :return: The expression representing the cost of the given action. If the retrieved cost is `None` it means it is not set and therefore it's invalid; every action cost MUST be set, either with the cost mapping or with the default. """ if not isinstance(action, up.model.Action): raise UPUsageError( f"An `Action` was expected for this method, got {action}!" ) return self._costs.get(action, self._default)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_minimize_action_costs(): return True
[docs] class MinimizeSequentialPlanLength(PlanQualityMetric): """This metric means that the number of :func:`actions <unified_planning.plans.SequentialPlan.actions>` in the resulting :class:`~unified_planning.plans.SequentialPlan` must be minimized.""" def __repr__(self): return "minimize sequential-plan-length" def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, MinimizeSequentialPlanLength) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_minimize_sequential_plan_length(): return True
[docs] class MinimizeMakespan(PlanQualityMetric): """ This metric means that the makespan must be minimized. The makespan is the time from the start of the plan to the end of the plan. """ def __repr__(self): return "minimize makespan" def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, MinimizeMakespan) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_minimize_makespan(): return True
[docs] class MinimizeExpressionOnFinalState(PlanQualityMetric): """ This metric means that the given expression must be minimized on the final state reached following the given :class:`~unified_planning.model.Plan`. """ def __init__( self, expression: "up.model.Expression", environment: Optional[Environment] = None, ): PlanQualityMetric.__init__(self, environment) self.expression: "up.model.FNode" = self._env.expression_manager.auto_promote( expression )[0] exp_type = self.expression.type if not exp_type.is_int_type() and not exp_type.is_real_type(): raise UPProblemDefinitionError( "The expression of a MinimizeExpressionOnFinalState must be numeric.", f"{exp_type} is neither IntType or RealType.", ) if self.expression.environment != self._env: raise UPProblemDefinitionError( "The expression and the metric don't have the same environment" ) def __repr__(self): return f"minimize {self.expression}" def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, MinimizeExpressionOnFinalState) and self.expression == other.expression ) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_minimize_expression_on_final_state(): return True
[docs] class MaximizeExpressionOnFinalState(PlanQualityMetric): """ This metric means that the given expression must be maximized on the final state reached following the given :class:`~unified_planning.model.Plan`. """ def __init__( self, expression: "up.model.Expression", environment: Optional[Environment] = None, ): PlanQualityMetric.__init__(self, environment) self.expression: "up.model.FNode" = self._env.expression_manager.auto_promote( expression )[0] exp_type = self.expression.type if not exp_type.is_int_type() and not exp_type.is_real_type(): raise UPProblemDefinitionError( "The expression of a MaximizeExpressionOnFinalState must be numeric.", f"{exp_type} is neither IntType or RealType.", ) if self.expression.environment != self._env: raise UPProblemDefinitionError( "The expression and the metric don't have the same environment" ) def __repr__(self): return f"maximize {self.expression}" def __eq__(self, other): return ( isinstance(other, MaximizeExpressionOnFinalState) and self.expression == other.expression ) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_maximize_expression_on_final_state(): return True
[docs] class Oversubscription(PlanQualityMetric): """ This metric means that only the plans maximizing the total gain of the achieved `goals` is valid. The gained value for each fulfilled `goal` of the problem is stored in this quality metric. """ def __init__( self, goals: Dict["up.model.BoolExpression", NumericConstant], environment: Optional[Environment] = None, ): PlanQualityMetric.__init__(self, environment) em = self._env.expression_manager self._goals: Dict["up.model.fnode.FNode", Union[Fraction, int]] = {} for goal, gain in goals.items(): (g_exp,) = em.auto_promote(goal) if not g_exp.type.is_bool_type(): raise UPProblemDefinitionError( f"goal {g_exp} type is {g_exp.type}. Expected BoolType." ) if g_exp.environment != self._env: raise UPProblemDefinitionError( f"goal {g_exp} does not have the same environment given to the metric." ) self._goals[g_exp] = uniform_numeric_constant(gain) def __repr__(self): return f"oversubscription planning goals: {self.goals}" def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Oversubscription) and self.goals == other.goals def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__.__name__) @property def goals(self) -> Dict["up.model.fnode.FNode", Union[Fraction, int]]: return self._goals
[docs] @staticmethod def is_oversubscription(): return True
[docs] class TemporalOversubscription(PlanQualityMetric): """ This metric means that only the plans maximizing the total gain of the achieved `goals` is valid. The gained value for each fulfilled `goal` of the problem is stored in this quality metric. """ def __init__( self, goals: Dict[ Tuple["up.model.timing.TimeInterval", "up.model.BoolExpression"], NumericConstant, ], environment: Optional[Environment] = None, ): PlanQualityMetric.__init__(self, environment) em = self._env.expression_manager self._goals: Dict[ Tuple["up.model.timing.TimeInterval", "up.model.FNode"], Union[Fraction, int], ] = {} for (interval, goal), gain in goals.items(): (g_exp,) = em.auto_promote(goal) if not g_exp.type.is_bool_type(): raise UPProblemDefinitionError( f"goal {g_exp} type is {g_exp.type}. Expected BoolType." ) if g_exp.environment != self._env: raise UPProblemDefinitionError( f"goal {g_exp} does not have the same environment given to the metric." ) self._goals[(interval, g_exp)] = uniform_numeric_constant(gain) def __repr__(self): return f"oversubscription planning timed goals: {self.goals}" def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, TemporalOversubscription) and self.goals == other.goals def __hash__(self): return hash(self.__class__.__name__) @property def goals( self, ) -> Dict[ Tuple["up.model.timing.TimeInterval", "up.model.FNode"], Union[Fraction, int] ]: return self._goals
[docs] @staticmethod def is_temporal_oversubscription(): return True