Source code for unified_planning.model.fnode

# Copyright 2021-2023 AIPlan4EU project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""FNode are the building blocks of expressions."""

import unified_planning
import unified_planning.model.fluent
import collections
from unified_planning.environment import Environment
from unified_planning.model.operators import OperatorKind
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Union
from fractions import Fraction

FNodeContent = collections.namedtuple("FNodeContent", ["node_type", "args", "payload"])

[docs] class FNode(object): """ The `FNode` class represents an `expression tree` in the `unified_planning` library. Since the `FNode` is immutable and the same `expression` can be used in more than one `expression tree`, it is actually a `DAG`, but the `single expression` can be seen as a `tree` for simplicity. All the expressions are managed by the :func:`ExpressionManager <unified_planning.Environment.expression_manager>` in the `Environment`, so this class should never be instantiated or modified by the user. """ __slots__ = ["_content", "_node_id", "_env"] def __init__(self, content: FNodeContent, node_id: int, environment: Environment): self._content = content self._node_id = node_id self._env = environment return # __eq__ is left as default while __hash__ uses the node id. This # is because we always have shared FNodes, hence in a single # environment two nodes have always different ids, but in # different environments they can have the same id. This is not an # issue since, by default, equality coincides with identity. def __hash__(self) -> int: return self._node_id
[docs] def get_nary_expression_string(self, op: str, args: List["FNode"]) -> str: p = [] if len(args) > 0: p.append("(") p.append(str(args[0])) for x in args[1:]: p.append(op) p.append(str(x)) p.append(")") return "".join(p)
def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.is_bool_constant(): return "true" if self.is_true() else "false" elif self.is_int_constant(): return str(self.constant_value()) elif self.is_real_constant(): return str(self.constant_value()) elif self.is_fluent_exp(): return self.fluent().name + self.get_nary_expression_string(", ", self.args) elif self.is_dot(): return f"{self.agent()}.{self.arg(0)}" elif self.is_parameter_exp(): return self.parameter().name elif self.is_variable_exp(): return self.variable().name elif self.is_object_exp(): return self.object().name elif self.is_timing_exp(): return str(self.timing()) elif self.is_and(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" and ", self.args) elif self.is_or(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" or ", self.args) elif self.is_not(): return f"(not {str(self.arg(0))})" elif self.is_implies(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" implies ", self.args) elif self.is_iff(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" iff ", self.args) elif self.is_exists(): s = ", ".join(str(v) for v in self.variables()) return f"Exists ({s}) {str(self.arg(0))}" elif self.is_always(): return f"Always({str(self.arg(0))})" elif self.is_sometime(): return f"Sometime({str(self.arg(0))})" elif self.is_sometime_before(): s = ", ".join(str(v) for v in self.args) return f"Sometime-Before({str(s)})" elif self.is_sometime_after(): s = ", ".join(str(v) for v in self.args) return f"Sometime-After({str(s)})" elif self.is_at_most_once(): return f"At-Most-Once({str(self.arg(0))})" elif self.is_forall(): s = ", ".join(str(v) for v in self.variables()) return f"Forall ({s}) {str(self.arg(0))}" elif self.is_plus(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" + ", self.args) elif self.is_minus(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" - ", self.args) elif self.is_times(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" * ", self.args) elif self.is_div(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" / ", self.args) elif self.is_le(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" <= ", self.args) elif self.is_lt(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" < ", self.args) elif self.is_equals(): return self.get_nary_expression_string(" == ", self.args) else: raise ValueError("Unknown FNode type found") @property def node_id(self) -> int: """Returns the `id` of this expression.""" return self._node_id @property def node_type(self) -> OperatorKind: """Returns the `OperatorKind` that defines the semantic of this expression.""" return self._content.node_type @property def environment(self) -> Environment: """Returns the `Environment` in which this expression exists.""" return self._env @property def args(self) -> List["FNode"]: """Returns the subexpressions of this expression.""" return self._content.args @property def type(self) -> "unified_planning.model.Type": """Returns the `Type` of this expression.""" return self._env.type_checker.get_type(self)
[docs] def get_contained_names(self) -> Set[str]: """Returns all the names contained in this expression.""" return self._env.names_extractor.extract_names(self)
[docs] def arg(self, idx: int) -> "FNode": """ Return the given subexpression at the given position. :param idx: The `index` of the wanted subexpression. :return: The expression at the position `idx`. """ return self._content.args[idx]
[docs] def is_constant(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if the expression is a constant, `False` otherwise.""" return ( self.node_type == OperatorKind.BOOL_CONSTANT or self.node_type == OperatorKind.INT_CONSTANT or self.node_type == OperatorKind.REAL_CONSTANT or self.node_type == OperatorKind.OBJECT_EXP )
[docs] def constant_value(self) -> Union[bool, int, Fraction]: """Returns the constant value stored in this expression.""" assert self.is_constant() return self._content.payload
[docs] def bool_constant_value(self) -> bool: """Return constant `boolean` value stored in this expression.""" assert self.is_bool_constant() return self._content.payload
[docs] def int_constant_value(self) -> int: """Return constant `integer` value stored in this expression.""" assert self.is_int_constant() return self._content.payload
[docs] def real_constant_value(self) -> Fraction: """Return constant `real` value stored in this expression.""" assert self.is_real_constant() return self._content.payload
[docs] def fluent(self) -> "unified_planning.model.fluent.Fluent": """Return the `Fluent` stored in this expression.""" assert self.is_fluent_exp() return self._content.payload
[docs] def parameter(self) -> "unified_planning.model.parameter.Parameter": """Return the `Parameter` stored in this expression.""" assert self.is_parameter_exp() return self._content.payload
[docs] def variable(self) -> "unified_planning.model.variable.Variable": """Return the variable of the VariableExp.""" assert self.is_variable_exp() return self._content.payload
[docs] def variables(self) -> List["unified_planning.model.variable.Variable"]: """Return the `Variables` of the `Exists` or `Forall`.""" assert self.is_exists() or self.is_forall() return list(self._content.payload)
[docs] def object(self) -> "unified_planning.model.object.Object": """Return the `Object` stored in this expression.""" assert self.is_object_exp() return self._content.payload
[docs] def timing(self) -> "unified_planning.model.timing.Timing": """Return the `Timing` stored in this expression.""" assert self.is_timing_exp() return self._content.payload
[docs] def agent(self) -> str: """Return the name of the `Agent` stored in this expression.""" assert self.is_dot() return self._content.payload
[docs] def simplify(self) -> "FNode": """ Returns the simplified version of this expression. The simplification is done just by constant propagation by the :class:`~unified_planning.model.walkers.Simplifier` """ return self._env.simplifier.simplify(self)
[docs] def substitute( self, substitutions: Dict[ "unified_planning.model.expression.Expression", "unified_planning.model.expression.Expression", ], ): """ Returns the version of this expression where every expression that is a key of the substitutions map is substituted with it's value in the map. NOTE: check the :class:`~unified_planning.model.walkers.Substituter` documentation for more details! :param substitutions: The mapping of expressions that must be substituted. :return: The expression where every instance of a key value in the substitutions map is substituted with it's value. """ return self._env.substituter.substitute(self, substitutions)
[docs] def is_bool_constant(self) -> bool: """Test whether the expression is a `boolean` constant.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.BOOL_CONSTANT
[docs] def is_int_constant(self) -> bool: """Test whether the expression is an `integer` constant.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.INT_CONSTANT
[docs] def is_real_constant(self) -> bool: """Test whether the expression is a `real` constant.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.REAL_CONSTANT
[docs] def is_true(self) -> bool: """Test whether the expression is the `True` Boolean constant.""" return self.is_bool_constant() and self.constant_value() == True
[docs] def is_false(self) -> bool: """Test whether the expression is the `False` Boolean constant.""" return self.is_bool_constant() and self.constant_value() == False
[docs] def is_and(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `And` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.AND
[docs] def is_or(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Or` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.OR
[docs] def is_not(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Not` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.NOT
[docs] def is_implies(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Implies` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.IMPLIES
[docs] def is_iff(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Iff` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.IFF
[docs] def is_exists(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Exists` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.EXISTS
[docs] def is_always(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the Always constraint.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.ALWAYS
[docs] def is_sometime(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the Sometime constraint.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.SOMETIME
[docs] def is_at_most_once(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the At-Most-Once constraint.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.AT_MOST_ONCE
[docs] def is_sometime_before(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the Sometime-Before constraint.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.SOMETIME_BEFORE
[docs] def is_sometime_after(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the Sometime-After constraint.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.SOMETIME_AFTER
[docs] def is_forall(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Forall` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.FORALL
[docs] def is_fluent_exp(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is a :class:`~unified_planning.model.Fluent` Expression.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.FLUENT_EXP
[docs] def is_parameter_exp(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is an :func:`action parameter <unified_planning.model.Action.parameters>`.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.PARAM_EXP
[docs] def is_variable_exp(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is a :class:`~unified_planning.model.Variable` Expression.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.VARIABLE_EXP
[docs] def is_object_exp(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is an :class:`~unified_planning.model.Object` Expression.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.OBJECT_EXP
[docs] def is_timing_exp(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is a :class:`~unified_planning.model.Timing` Expression.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.TIMING_EXP
[docs] def is_plus(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Plus` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.PLUS
[docs] def is_minus(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Minus` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.MINUS
[docs] def is_times(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Times` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.TIMES
[docs] def is_div(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Div` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.DIV
[docs] def is_equals(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `Equals` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.EQUALS
[docs] def is_le(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `LE` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.LE
[docs] def is_lt(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `LT` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.LT
[docs] def is_dot(self) -> bool: """Test whether the node is the `DOT` operator.""" return self.node_type == OperatorKind.DOT
# # Infix operators # def __add__(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.Plus(self, right) def __radd__(self, left): return self._env.expression_manager.Plus(left, self) def __sub__(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.Minus(self, right) def __rsub__(self, left): return self._env.expression_manager.Minus(left, self) def __mul__(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.Times(self, right) def __rmul__(self, left): return self._env.expression_manager.Times(left, self) def __truediv__(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.Div(self, right) def __rtruediv__(self, left): return self._env.expression_manager.Div(left, self) def __floordiv__(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.Div(self, right) def __rfloordiv__(self, left): return self._env.expression_manager.Div(left, self) def __gt__(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.GT(self, right) def __ge__(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.GE(self, right) def __lt__(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.LT(self, right) def __le__(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.LE(self, right) def __pos__(self): return self._env.expression_manager.Plus(0, self) def __neg__(self): return self._env.expression_manager.Minus(0, self)
[docs] def Equals(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.Equals(self, right)
[docs] def And(self, *other): return self._env.expression_manager.And(self, *other)
def __and__(self, *other): return self._env.expression_manager.And(self, *other) def __rand__(self, *other): return self._env.expression_manager.And(*other, self)
[docs] def Or(self, *other): return self._env.expression_manager.Or(self, *other)
def __or__(self, *other): return self._env.expression_manager.Or(self, *other) def __ror__(self, *other): return self._env.expression_manager.Or(*other, self)
[docs] def Not(self): return self._env.expression_manager.Not(self)
def __invert__(self): return self._env.expression_manager.Not(self)
[docs] def Xor(self, *other): em = self._env.expression_manager return em.And(em.Or(self, *other), em.Not(em.And(self, *other)))
def __xor__(self, *other): em = self._env.expression_manager return em.And(em.Or(self, *other), em.Not(em.And(self, *other))) def __rxor__(self, other): em = self._env.expression_manager return em.And(em.Or(*other, self), em.Not(em.And(*other, self)))
[docs] def Implies(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.Implies(self, right)
[docs] def Iff(self, right): return self._env.expression_manager.Iff(self, right)