Source code for unified_planning.model.action

# Copyright 2021-2023 AIPlan4EU project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
This module defines the `Action` base class and some of his extensions.
An `Action` has a `name`, a `list` of `Parameter`, a `list` of `preconditions`
and a `list` of `effects`.

import unified_planning as up
from unified_planning.environment import get_environment, Environment
from unified_planning.exceptions import (
from unified_planning.model.mixins.timed_conds_effs import TimedCondsEffs
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Union, Optional, Iterable
from collections import OrderedDict

class Action(ABC):
    """This is the `Action` interface."""

    def __init__(
        _name: str,
        _parameters: Optional["OrderedDict[str, up.model.types.Type]"] = None,
        _env: Optional[Environment] = None,
        **kwargs: "up.model.types.Type",
        self._environment = get_environment(_env)
        self._name = _name
        self._parameters: "OrderedDict[str, up.model.parameter.Parameter]" = (
        if _parameters is not None:
            assert len(kwargs) == 0
            for n, t in _parameters.items():
                assert self._environment.type_manager.has_type(
                ), "type of parameter does not belong to the same environment of the action"
                self._parameters[n] = up.model.parameter.Parameter(
                    n, t, self._environment
            for n, t in kwargs.items():
                assert self._environment.type_manager.has_type(
                ), "type of parameter does not belong to the same environment of the action"
                self._parameters[n] = up.model.parameter.Parameter(
                    n, t, self._environment

    def __eq__(self, oth: object) -> bool:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        raise NotImplementedError

    def __call__(
        *args: "up.model.Expression",
        agent: Optional["up.model.multi_agent.Agent"] = None,
        motion_paths: Optional[
            Dict["up.model.tamp.MotionConstraint", "up.model.tamp.Path"]
        ] = None,
    ) -> "up.plans.plan.ActionInstance":
        params = tuple(args)
        return up.plans.plan.ActionInstance(
            self, params, agent=agent, motion_paths=motion_paths

    def clone(self):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def environment(self) -> Environment:
        """Returns this `Action` `Environment`."""
        return self._environment

    def name(self) -> str:
        """Returns the `Action` `name`."""
        return self._name

    def name(self, new_name: str):
        """Sets the `Action` `name`."""
        self._name = new_name

    def parameters(self) -> List["up.model.parameter.Parameter"]:
        """Returns the `list` of the `Action parameters`."""
        return list(self._parameters.values())

    def parameter(self, name: str) -> "up.model.parameter.Parameter":
        Returns the `parameter` of the `Action` with the given `name`.

        >>> from unified_planning.shortcuts import *
        >>> location_type = UserType("Location")
        >>> move = InstantaneousAction("move", source=location_type, target=location_type)
        >>> move.parameter("source")  # return the "source" parameter of the action, with type "Location"
        Location source
        >>> move.parameter("target")
        Location target

        If a parameter's name (1) does not conflict with an existing attribute of `Action` and (2) does not start with '_'
        it can also be accessed as if it was an attribute of the action. For instance:

        >>> move.source
        Location source

        :param name: The `name` of the target `parameter`.
        :return: The `parameter` of the `Action` with the given `name`.
        if name not in self._parameters:
            raise ValueError(f"Action '{}' has no parameter '{name}'")
        return self._parameters[name]

    def __getattr__(self, parameter_name: str) -> "up.model.parameter.Parameter":
        if parameter_name.startswith("_"):
            # guard access as pickling relies on attribute error to be thrown even when
            # no attributes of the object have been set.
            # In this case accessing `self._name` or `self._parameters`, would re-invoke __getattr__
            raise AttributeError(f"Action has no attribute '{parameter_name}'")
        if parameter_name not in self._parameters:
            raise AttributeError(
                f"Action '{}' has no attribute or parameter '{parameter_name}'"
        return self._parameters[parameter_name]

    def is_conditional(self) -> bool:
        """Returns `True` if the `Action` has `conditional effects`, `False` otherwise."""
        raise NotImplementedError

[docs] class InstantaneousAction(Action): """Represents an instantaneous action.""" def __init__( self, _name: str, _parameters: Optional["OrderedDict[str, up.model.types.Type]"] = None, _env: Optional[Environment] = None, **kwargs: "up.model.types.Type", ): Action.__init__(self, _name, _parameters, _env, **kwargs) self._preconditions: List["up.model.fnode.FNode"] = [] self._effects: List[up.model.effect.Effect] = [] self._simulated_effect: Optional[up.model.effect.SimulatedEffect] = None # fluent assigned is the mapping of the fluent to it's value if it is an unconditional assignment self._fluents_assigned: Dict[ "up.model.fnode.FNode", "up.model.fnode.FNode" ] = {} # fluent_inc_dec is the set of the fluents that have an unconditional increase or decrease self._fluents_inc_dec: Set["up.model.fnode.FNode"] = set() def __repr__(self) -> str: s = [] s.append(f"action {}") first = True for p in self.parameters: if first: s.append("(") first = False else: s.append(", ") s.append(str(p)) if not first: s.append(")") s.append(" {\n") s.append(" preconditions = [\n") for c in self.preconditions: s.append(f" {str(c)}\n") s.append(" ]\n") s.append(" effects = [\n") for e in self.effects: s.append(f" {str(e)}\n") s.append(" ]\n") if self._simulated_effect is not None: s.append(f" simulated effect = {self._simulated_effect}\n") s.append(" }") return "".join(s) def __eq__(self, oth: object) -> bool: if isinstance(oth, InstantaneousAction): cond = ( self._environment == oth._environment and self._name == oth._name and self._parameters == oth._parameters ) return ( cond and set(self._preconditions) == set(oth._preconditions) and set(self._effects) == set(oth._effects) and self._simulated_effect == oth._simulated_effect ) else: return False def __hash__(self) -> int: res = hash(self._name) for ap in self._parameters.items(): res += hash(ap) for p in self._preconditions: res += hash(p) for e in self._effects: res += hash(e) res += hash(self._simulated_effect) return res
[docs] def clone(self): new_params = OrderedDict( (param_name, param.type) for param_name, param in self._parameters.items() ) new_instantaneous_action = InstantaneousAction( self._name, new_params, self._environment ) new_instantaneous_action._preconditions = self._preconditions[:] new_instantaneous_action._effects = [e.clone() for e in self._effects] new_instantaneous_action._fluents_assigned = self._fluents_assigned.copy() new_instantaneous_action._fluents_inc_dec = self._fluents_inc_dec.copy() new_instantaneous_action._simulated_effect = self._simulated_effect return new_instantaneous_action
@property def preconditions(self) -> List["up.model.fnode.FNode"]: """Returns the `list` of the `Action` `preconditions`.""" return self._preconditions
[docs] def clear_preconditions(self): """Removes all the `Action preconditions`""" self._preconditions = []
@property def effects(self) -> List["up.model.effect.Effect"]: """Returns the `list` of the `Action effects`.""" return self._effects
[docs] def clear_effects(self): """Removes all the `Action's effects`.""" self._effects = [] self._fluents_assigned = {} self._fluents_inc_dec = set() self._simulated_effect = None
@property def conditional_effects(self) -> List["up.model.effect.Effect"]: """Returns the `list` of the `action conditional effects`. IMPORTANT NOTE: this property does some computation, so it should be called as seldom as possible.""" return [e for e in self._effects if e.is_conditional()]
[docs] def is_conditional(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if the `action` has `conditional effects`, `False` otherwise.""" return any(e.is_conditional() for e in self._effects)
@property def unconditional_effects(self) -> List["up.model.effect.Effect"]: """Returns the `list` of the `action unconditional effects`. IMPORTANT NOTE: this property does some computation, so it should be called as seldom as possible.""" return [e for e in self._effects if not e.is_conditional()]
[docs] def add_precondition( self, precondition: Union[ "up.model.fnode.FNode", "up.model.fluent.Fluent", "up.model.parameter.Parameter", bool, ], ): """ Adds the given expression to `action's preconditions`. :param precondition: The expression that must be added to the `action's preconditions`. """ (precondition_exp,) = self._environment.expression_manager.auto_promote( precondition ) assert self._environment.type_checker.get_type(precondition_exp).is_bool_type() if precondition_exp == self._environment.expression_manager.TRUE(): return free_vars = self._environment.free_vars_oracle.get_free_variables( precondition_exp ) if len(free_vars) != 0: raise UPUnboundedVariablesError( f"The precondition {str(precondition_exp)} has unbounded variables:\n{str(free_vars)}" ) if precondition_exp not in self._preconditions: self._preconditions.append(precondition_exp)
[docs] def add_effect( self, fluent: Union["up.model.fnode.FNode", "up.model.fluent.Fluent"], value: "up.model.expression.Expression", condition: "up.model.expression.BoolExpression" = True, forall: Iterable["up.model.variable.Variable"] = tuple(), ): """ Adds the given `assignment` to the `action's effects`. :param fluent: The `fluent` of which `value` is modified by the `assignment`. :param value: The `value` to assign to the given `fluent`. :param condition: The `condition` in which this `effect` is applied; the default value is `True`. :param forall: The 'Variables' that are universally quantified in this effect; the default value is empty. """ ( fluent_exp, value_exp, condition_exp, ) = self._environment.expression_manager.auto_promote(fluent, value, condition) if not fluent_exp.is_fluent_exp() and not fluent_exp.is_dot(): raise UPUsageError( "fluent field of add_effect must be a Fluent or a FluentExp or a Dot." ) if not self._environment.type_checker.get_type(condition_exp).is_bool_type(): raise UPTypeError("Effect condition is not a Boolean condition!") if not fluent_exp.type.is_compatible(value_exp.type): # Value is not assignable to fluent (its type is not a subset of the fluent's type). raise UPTypeError( f"InstantaneousAction effect has an incompatible value type. Fluent type: {fluent_exp.type} // Value type: {value_exp.type}" ) self._add_effect_instance( up.model.effect.Effect(fluent_exp, value_exp, condition_exp, forall=forall) )
[docs] def add_increase_effect( self, fluent: Union["up.model.fnode.FNode", "up.model.fluent.Fluent"], value: "up.model.expression.Expression", condition: "up.model.expression.BoolExpression" = True, forall: Iterable["up.model.variable.Variable"] = tuple(), ): """ Adds the given `increase effect` to the `action's effects`. :param fluent: The `fluent` which `value` is increased. :param value: The given `fluent` is incremented by the given `value`. :param condition: The `condition` in which this `effect` is applied; the default value is `True`. :param forall: The 'Variables' that are universally quantified in this effect; the default value is empty. """ ( fluent_exp, value_exp, condition_exp, ) = self._environment.expression_manager.auto_promote( fluent, value, condition, ) if not fluent_exp.is_fluent_exp() and not fluent_exp.is_dot(): raise UPUsageError( "fluent field of add_increase_effect must be a Fluent or a FluentExp or a Dot." ) if not condition_exp.type.is_bool_type(): raise UPTypeError("Effect condition is not a Boolean condition!") if not fluent_exp.type.is_compatible(value_exp.type): raise UPTypeError( f"InstantaneousAction effect has an incompatible value type. Fluent type: {fluent_exp.type} // Value type: {value_exp.type}" ) if not fluent_exp.type.is_int_type() and not fluent_exp.type.is_real_type(): raise UPTypeError("Increase effects can be created only on numeric types!") self._add_effect_instance( up.model.effect.Effect( fluent_exp, value_exp, condition_exp, kind=up.model.effect.EffectKind.INCREASE, forall=forall, ) )
[docs] def add_decrease_effect( self, fluent: Union["up.model.fnode.FNode", "up.model.fluent.Fluent"], value: "up.model.expression.Expression", condition: "up.model.expression.BoolExpression" = True, forall: Iterable["up.model.variable.Variable"] = tuple(), ): """ Adds the given `decrease effect` to the `action's effects`. :param fluent: The `fluent` which value is decreased. :param value: The given `fluent` is decremented by the given `value`. :param condition: The `condition` in which this `effect` is applied; the default value is `True`. :param forall: The 'Variables' that are universally quantified in this effect; the default value is empty. """ ( fluent_exp, value_exp, condition_exp, ) = self._environment.expression_manager.auto_promote(fluent, value, condition) if not fluent_exp.is_fluent_exp() and not fluent_exp.is_dot(): raise UPUsageError( "fluent field of add_decrease_effect must be a Fluent or a FluentExp or a Dot." ) if not condition_exp.type.is_bool_type(): raise UPTypeError("Effect condition is not a Boolean condition!") if not fluent_exp.type.is_compatible(value_exp.type): raise UPTypeError( f"InstantaneousAction effect has an incompatible value type. Fluent type: {fluent_exp.type} // Value type: {value_exp.type}" ) if not fluent_exp.type.is_int_type() and not fluent_exp.type.is_real_type(): raise UPTypeError("Decrease effects can be created only on numeric types!") self._add_effect_instance( up.model.effect.Effect( fluent_exp, value_exp, condition_exp, kind=up.model.effect.EffectKind.DECREASE, forall=forall, ) )
def _add_effect_instance(self, effect: "up.model.effect.Effect"): assert ( effect.environment == self._environment ), "effect does not have the same environment of the action" up.model.effect.check_conflicting_effects( effect, None, self._simulated_effect, self._fluents_assigned, self._fluents_inc_dec, "action", ) self._effects.append(effect) @property def simulated_effect(self) -> Optional["up.model.effect.SimulatedEffect"]: """Returns the `action` `simulated effect`.""" return self._simulated_effect
[docs] def set_simulated_effect(self, simulated_effect: "up.model.effect.SimulatedEffect"): """ Sets the given `simulated effect` as the only `action's simulated effect`. :param simulated_effect: The `SimulatedEffect` instance that must be set as this `action`'s only `simulated effect`. """ up.model.effect.check_conflicting_simulated_effects( simulated_effect, None, self._fluents_assigned, self._fluents_inc_dec, "action", ) if simulated_effect.environment != self.environment: raise UPUsageError( "The added SimulatedEffect does not have the same environment of the Action" ) self._simulated_effect = simulated_effect
def _set_preconditions(self, preconditions: List["up.model.fnode.FNode"]): self._preconditions = preconditions
[docs] class DurativeAction(Action, TimedCondsEffs): """Represents a durative action.""" def __init__( self, _name: str, _parameters: Optional["OrderedDict[str, up.model.types.Type]"] = None, _env: Optional[Environment] = None, **kwargs: "up.model.types.Type", ): Action.__init__(self, _name, _parameters, _env, **kwargs) TimedCondsEffs.__init__(self, _env) self._duration: "up.model.timing.DurationInterval" = ( up.model.timing.FixedDuration(self._environment.expression_manager.Int(0)) ) def __repr__(self) -> str: s = [] s.append(f"durative action {}") first = True for p in self.parameters: if first: s.append("(") first = False else: s.append(", ") s.append(str(p)) if not first: s.append(")") s.append(" {\n") s.append(f" duration = {str(self._duration)}\n") s.append(" conditions = [\n") for i, cl in self.conditions.items(): s.append(f" {str(i)}:\n") for c in cl: s.append(f" {str(c)}\n") s.append(" ]\n") s.append(" effects = [\n") for t, el in self.effects.items(): s.append(f" {str(t)}:\n") for e in el: s.append(f" {str(e)}:\n") s.append(" ]\n") s.append(" simulated effects = [\n") for t, se in self.simulated_effects.items(): s.append(f" {str(t)}: {se}\n") s.append(" ]\n") s.append(" }") return "".join(s) def __eq__(self, oth: object) -> bool: if not isinstance(oth, DurativeAction): return False if ( self._environment != oth._environment or self._name != oth._name or self._parameters != oth._parameters or self._duration != oth._duration ): return False if not TimedCondsEffs.__eq__(self, oth): return False return True def __hash__(self) -> int: res = hash(self._name) + hash(self._duration) for ap in self._parameters.items(): res += hash(ap) res += TimedCondsEffs.__hash__(self) return res
[docs] def clone(self): new_params = OrderedDict( (param_name, param.type) for param_name, param in self._parameters.items() ) new_durative_action = DurativeAction(self._name, new_params, self._environment) new_durative_action._duration = self._duration TimedCondsEffs._clone_to(self, new_durative_action) return new_durative_action
@property def duration(self) -> "up.model.timing.DurationInterval": """Returns the `action` `duration interval`.""" return self._duration
[docs] def set_duration_constraint(self, duration: "up.model.timing.DurationInterval"): """ Sets the `duration interval` for this `action`. :param duration: The new `duration interval` of this `action`. """ lower, upper = duration.lower, duration.upper tlower = self._environment.type_checker.get_type(lower) tupper = self._environment.type_checker.get_type(upper) assert tlower.is_int_type() or tlower.is_real_type() assert tupper.is_int_type() or tupper.is_real_type() if ( lower.is_constant() and upper.is_constant() and ( upper.constant_value() < lower.constant_value() or ( upper.constant_value() == lower.constant_value() and (duration.is_left_open() or duration.is_right_open()) ) ) ): raise UPProblemDefinitionError( f"{duration} is an empty interval duration of action: {}." ) self._duration = duration
[docs] def set_fixed_duration(self, value: "up.model.expression.NumericExpression"): """ Sets the `duration interval` for this `action` as the interval `[value, value]`. :param value: The `value` set as both edges of this `action's duration`. """ (value_exp,) = self._environment.expression_manager.auto_promote(value) self.set_duration_constraint(up.model.timing.FixedDuration(value_exp))
[docs] def set_closed_duration_interval( self, lower: "up.model.expression.NumericExpression", upper: "up.model.expression.NumericExpression", ): """ Sets the `duration interval` for this `action` as the interval `[lower, upper]`. :param lower: The value set as the lower edge of this `action's duration`. :param upper: The value set as the upper edge of this `action's duration`. """ lower_exp, upper_exp = self._environment.expression_manager.auto_promote( lower, upper ) self.set_duration_constraint( up.model.timing.ClosedDurationInterval(lower_exp, upper_exp) )
[docs] def set_open_duration_interval( self, lower: "up.model.expression.NumericExpression", upper: "up.model.expression.NumericExpression", ): """ Sets the `duration interval` for this action as the interval `]lower, upper[`. :param lower: The value set as the lower edge of this `action's duration`. :param upper: The value set as the upper edge of this `action's duration`. Note that `lower` and `upper` are not part of the interval. """ lower_exp, upper_exp = self._environment.expression_manager.auto_promote( lower, upper ) self.set_duration_constraint( up.model.timing.OpenDurationInterval(lower_exp, upper_exp) )
[docs] def set_left_open_duration_interval( self, lower: "up.model.expression.NumericExpression", upper: "up.model.expression.NumericExpression", ): """ Sets the `duration interval` for this `action` as the interval `]lower, upper]`. :param lower: The value set as the lower edge of this `action's duration`. :param upper: The value set as the upper edge of this `action's duration`. Note that `lower` is not part of the interval. """ lower_exp, upper_exp = self._environment.expression_manager.auto_promote( lower, upper ) self.set_duration_constraint( up.model.timing.LeftOpenDurationInterval(lower_exp, upper_exp) )
[docs] def set_right_open_duration_interval( self, lower: "up.model.expression.NumericExpression", upper: "up.model.expression.NumericExpression", ): """ Sets the `duration interval` for this `action` as the interval `[lower, upper[`. :param lower: The value set as the lower edge of this `action's duration`. :param upper: The value set as the upper edge of this `action's duration`. Note that `upper` is not part of the interval. """ lower_exp, upper_exp = self._environment.expression_manager.auto_promote( lower, upper ) self.set_duration_constraint( up.model.timing.RightOpenDurationInterval(lower_exp, upper_exp) )
[docs] def is_conditional(self) -> bool: """Returns `True` if the `action` has `conditional effects`, `False` otherwise.""" # re-implemenation needed for inheritance, delegate implementation. return TimedCondsEffs.is_conditional(self)
class SensingAction(InstantaneousAction): """This class represents a sensing action.""" def __init__( self, _name: str, _parameters: Optional["OrderedDict[str, up.model.types.Type]"] = None, _env: Optional[Environment] = None, **kwargs: "up.model.types.Type", ): InstantaneousAction.__init__(self, _name, _parameters, _env, **kwargs) self._observed_fluents: List["up.model.fnode.FNode"] = [] def __eq__(self, oth: object) -> bool: if isinstance(oth, SensingAction): return super().__eq__(oth) and set(self._observed_fluents) == set( oth._observed_fluents ) else: return False def __hash__(self) -> int: res = super().__hash__() for of in self._observed_fluents: res += hash(of) return res def clone(self): new_params = OrderedDict() for param_name, param in self._parameters.items(): new_params[param_name] = param.type new_sensing_action = SensingAction(self._name, new_params, self._environment) new_sensing_action._preconditions = self._preconditions[:] new_sensing_action._effects = [e.clone() for e in self._effects] new_sensing_action._fluents_assigned = self._fluents_assigned.copy() new_sensing_action._fluents_inc_dec = self._fluents_inc_dec.copy() new_sensing_action._simulated_effect = self._simulated_effect new_sensing_action._observed_fluents = self._observed_fluents.copy() return new_sensing_action def add_observed_fluents(self, observed_fluents: Iterable["up.model.fnode.FNode"]): """ Adds the given list of observed fluents. :param observed_fluents: The list of observed fluents that must be added. """ for of in observed_fluents: self.add_observed_fluent(of) def add_observed_fluent(self, observed_fluent: "up.model.fnode.FNode"): """ Adds the given observed fluent. :param observed_fluent: The observed fluent that must be added. """ self._observed_fluents.append(observed_fluent) @property def observed_fluents(self) -> List["up.model.fnode.FNode"]: """Returns the `list` observed fluents.""" return self._observed_fluents def __repr__(self) -> str: b = InstantaneousAction.__repr__(self)[0:-3] s = ["sensing-", b] s.append(" observations = [\n") for e in self._observed_fluents: s.append(f" {str(e)}\n") s.append(" ]\n") s.append(" }") return "".join(s)