Source code for

# Copyright 2021-2023 AIPlan4EU project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from collections import OrderedDict
import unified_planning as up
import networkx as nx
from import (
from unified_planning.environment import Environment, get_environment
from unified_planning.exceptions import ANMLSyntaxError, UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError
from unified_planning.model import (
from fractions import Fraction
from typing import Dict, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union, Callable, List, Optional
from pyparsing import ParseResults
from import parse_string, parse_file

[docs] class ANMLReader: """ Class that offers the capability, with the :func:`parse_problem <>`, to create a :class:`~unified_planning.model.Problem` from an **ANML** file. The assumptions made in order for this Reader to work are the followings: #. statements containing the duration of an action are **not** mixed with other statements ( ``duration == 3 and at(l_from);`` ). #. the action duration can be set with: * ``duration == expression;`` * ``duration := expression;`` * ``duration CT expression and duration CT expression``, where ``CT`` are Compare Tokens, so ``>``, ``>=``, ``<`` and ``<=``. All the other ways to define the duration of an Action are not supported. #. Statements containing both conditions and effects are **not** supported ( ``(at(l_from) == true) := false);`` or ``(at(l_from) == true) and (at(l_from) := false);`` ). #. Quantifier body does not support intervals, they can only be defined outside. #. Forall over the assignments are not nested. #. Only one effect can be specified in a forall over assignments. #. No conditions can be specified ina forall over assignments, 2 different foralls must be specified. #. Conditional effects are not supported inside an expression block. """ def __init__(self, env: Optional[Environment] = None): self._env = get_environment(env) self._em = self._env.expression_manager self._tm = self._env.type_manager # map from timing name, globality flag to corresponding Timepoint self._timings = { (TK_START, True): GlobalStartTiming(), (TK_START, False): StartTiming(), (TK_END, True): GlobalEndTiming(), (TK_END, False): EndTiming(), } self._operators: Dict[str, Callable] = { TK_AND: self._em.And, TK_OR: self._em.Or, TK_NOT: self._em.Not, TK_XOR: ( lambda x, y: self._em.And( self._em.Or(x, y), self._em.Or(self._em.Not(x), self._em.Not(y)) ) ), TK_IMPLIES: self._em.Implies, TK_GE: self._em.GE, TK_LE: self._em.LE, TK_GT: self._em.GT, TK_LT: self._em.LT, TK_EQUALS: self._em.Equals, TK_NOT_EQUALS: (lambda x, y: self._em.Not(self._em.Equals(x, y))), TK_PLUS: self._em.Plus, TK_MINUS: self._em.Minus, TK_DIV: self._em.Div, TK_TIMES: self._em.Times, TK_FORALL: self._em.Forall, TK_EXISTS: self._em.Exists, } def _parse_problem( self, grammar: ANMLGrammar, problem_name: Optional[str] ) -> "up.model.Problem": self._problem = up.model.Problem( problem_name, self._env, initial_defaults={self._tm.BoolType(): self._em.FALSE()}, ) types_map: Dict[str, "up.model.Type"] = self._create_types_map(grammar.types) self._constant_fluents: Set["up.model.Fluent"] = set() for fluent_res in grammar.constant_fluents: (up_fluent, initial_default) = self._parse_fluent(fluent_res, types_map) if initial_default is not None: self._problem.add_fluent( up_fluent, default_initial_value=initial_default ) else: self._problem.add_fluent(up_fluent) self._constant_fluents.add(up_fluent) for fluent_res in grammar.fluents: (up_fluent, initial_default) = self._parse_fluent(fluent_res, types_map) if initial_default is not None: self._problem.add_fluent( up_fluent, default_initial_value=initial_default ) else: self._problem.add_fluent(up_fluent) for objects_res in grammar.objects: up_objects = self._parse_objects(objects_res, types_map) self._problem.add_objects(up_objects) for action_res in grammar.actions: up_action = self._parse_action(action_res, types_map) self._problem.add_action(up_action) # params is used in the expression parsing not to recreate an empty dict every time params: Dict[str, "Parameter"] = {} # global_start and global_end are used to check if the interval is at the beginning or at the end global_start = GlobalStartTiming() global_end = GlobalEndTiming() for interval_and_expression in grammar.timed_assignment_or_goal: self._add_goal_or_effect_to_problem( interval_and_expression[0], interval_and_expression[1], params, types_map, global_start, global_end, ) for block_res in grammar.timed_assignments_or_goals: interval_and_expressions_res = block_res[0] assert ( len(block_res) == 1 and len(interval_and_expressions_res) == 2 ), "parsing error" for expression in interval_and_expressions_res[1]: if expression[0] == TK_WHEN: raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "Conditional effects inside an expression block are not supported" ) self._add_goal_or_effect_to_problem( interval_and_expressions_res[0], expression, params, types_map, global_start, global_end, ) # check that every fluent defined as a constant is a static fluent static_fluents = self._problem.get_static_fluents() for constant_fluent in self._constant_fluents: if constant_fluent not in static_fluents: raise ANMLSyntaxError( f"The constant {constant_fluent} is modified in the problem." ) return self._problem
[docs] def parse_problem( self, problem_filename: Union[str, Sequence[str]], problem_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "up.model.Problem": """ Takes in input a filename containing an `ANML` problem and returns the parsed `Problem`. Check the class documentation for the assumptions made for this parser to work. :param problem_filename: The path to the file containing the `ANML` problem or to the files to concatenate to obtain the complete problem. :param problem_name: Optionally, the name to give to the created problem; if it is None, `problem_filename` will be set as the problem name. :return: The `Problem` parsed from the given anml file. """ # create the grammar and populate it's data structures grammar = ANMLGrammar() parse_file(grammar.problem, problem_filename, parse_all=True) if problem_name is None: if isinstance(problem_filename, str): problem_name = problem_filename else: problem_name = "_".join(problem_filename) self._problem = self._parse_problem(grammar, problem_name) return self._problem
[docs] def parse_problem_string( self, problem_str: str, problem_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> "up.model.Problem": """ Takes in input a string representing an `ANML` problem and returns the parsed `Problem`. Check the class documentation for the assumptions made for this parser to work. :param problem_str: The string representing the `ANML` problem. :param problem_name: Optionally, the name to give to the created problem. :return: The `Problem` parsed from the given anml file. """ # create the grammar and populate it's data structures grammar = ANMLGrammar() parse_string(grammar.problem, problem_str, parse_all=True) self._problem = self._parse_problem(grammar, problem_name) return self._problem
def _create_types_map(self, types_res) -> Dict[str, "up.model.Type"]: # defined types stores the types explicitly defined. # Every type needs to be defined explicitly defined_types: Set[str] = set() # types_graph is used to compute a topological sorting of the type hierarchy, # needed to make sure a type is created (in the UP code) before being used as # a father of another type; this ordering is not granted by the ANML grammar types_graph = nx.DiGraph() for type_res in types_res: type_name = type_res["name"] defined_types.add(type_name) previous_element = type_name types_graph.add_node(type_name) for supertype in type_res["supertypes"]: assert isinstance( supertype, str ), f"parsing error, type {type_res} is not valid" types_graph.add_node(supertype) types_graph.add_edge(supertype, previous_element) previous_element = supertype types_map: Dict[str, "up.model.Type"] = {} for type_name in nx.topological_sort(types_graph): if type_name not in defined_types: raise ANMLSyntaxError( f"The type {type_name} is used in the type hierarchy but is never defined" ) fathers = list(types_graph.predecessors(type_name)) len_fathers = len(fathers) if len_fathers == 0: father = None elif len_fathers == 1: father = types_map[fathers[0]] else: raise NotImplementedError( f"The type {type_name} has more than one father. Currently this is not supported in the UP." ) types_map[type_name] = self._tm.UserType(type_name, father) return types_map def _add_goal_or_effect_to_problem( self, interval: ParseResults, expression: ParseResults, parameters: Dict[str, "Parameter"], types_map: Dict[str, "Type"], global_start: "Timing", global_end: "Timing", ): relevant_words = {TK_DURATION, TK_ASSIGN, *TKS_INCREASE, *TKS_DECREASE, TK_WHEN} found_words = find_strings(expression, relevant_words) f_duration = TK_DURATION in found_words f_when = TK_WHEN in found_words f_assign = TK_ASSIGN in found_words f_increase = any(tk_increase in found_words for tk_increase in TKS_INCREASE) f_decrease = any(tk_decrease in found_words for tk_decrease in TKS_DECREASE) if f_duration: raise ANMLSyntaxError("duration keyword can't be used outside of an action") if f_when or f_assign or f_increase or f_decrease: # effect interval_and_exp = ParseResults([interval, expression]) up_timing, up_effect = self._parse_assignment( interval_and_exp, parameters, types_map, is_global=True, ) if ( up_timing == global_start and not up_effect.is_conditional() and up_effect.is_assignment() ): if up_effect.is_forall(): for e in up_effect.expand_effect(self._problem): self._problem.set_initial_value(e.fluent, e.value) else: self._problem.set_initial_value(up_effect.fluent, up_effect.value) else: self._problem._add_effect_instance(up_timing, up_effect) else: # condition up_interval = self._parse_interval( interval, parameters, types_map, is_global=True ) goal = self._parse_expression(expression, parameters, types_map) if up_interval == global_end: self._problem.add_goal(goal) else: self._problem.add_timed_goal(up_interval, goal) def _parse_type_reference( self, type_res: ParseResults, types_map: Dict[str, "up.model.Type"] ) -> "up.model.Type": name = type_res[0] assert isinstance(name, str), "parsing error" if name == TK_BOOLEAN: return self._tm.BoolType() elif name in (TK_INTEGER, TK_FLOAT): lower_bound, upper_bound = None, None if len(type_res) == 2: _p: Dict[str, "up.model.Parameter"] = {} interval = type_res[1] lb_exp = interval[0] if lb_exp != TK_INFINITY: lower_bound_exp = self._parse_expression( lb_exp, parameters=_p, types_map=types_map ) if ( lower_bound_exp.is_int_constant() or lower_bound_exp.is_real_constant() ): lower_bound = lower_bound_exp.constant_value() else: raise ANMLSyntaxError( f"bounds of type {type_res} must be integer or real constants" ) ub_exp = interval[1] if ub_exp != TK_INFINITY: upper_bound_exp = self._parse_expression( ub_exp, parameters=_p, types_map=types_map ) if ( upper_bound_exp.is_int_constant() or upper_bound_exp.is_real_constant() ): upper_bound = upper_bound_exp.constant_value() else: raise ANMLSyntaxError( f"bounds of type {type_res} must be integer or real constants" ) else: assert len(type_res) == 1, "Parse error" if name == TK_INTEGER: if isinstance(lower_bound, Fraction) or isinstance( upper_bound, Fraction ): raise ANMLSyntaxError( f"Integer bounds of {type_res} must be int expressions" ) return self._tm.IntType(lower_bound, upper_bound) else: if isinstance(lower_bound, int): lower_bound = Fraction(lower_bound) if isinstance(upper_bound, int): upper_bound = Fraction(upper_bound) return self._tm.RealType(lower_bound, upper_bound) else: ret_type = types_map.get(name, None) if ret_type is not None: return ret_type else: raise ANMLSyntaxError( f"UserType {name} is referenced but never defined." ) def _parse_fluent( self, fluent_res: ParseResults, types_map: Dict[str, "up.model.Type"] ) -> Tuple["up.model.Fluent", Optional["FNode"]]: fluent_type = self._parse_type_reference(fluent_res["type"], types_map) fluent_name = fluent_res["name"] params: "OrderedDict[str, up.model.Type]" = self._parse_parameters_def( fluent_res["parameters"], types_map ) if "init" in fluent_res: initial_default = self._parse_expression(fluent_res["init"], {}, types_map) else: initial_default = None return ( up.model.Fluent(fluent_name, fluent_type, _signature=params), initial_default, ) def _parse_objects( self, objects_res: ParseResults, types_map: Dict[str, "up.model.Type"] ) -> List["up.model.Object"]: objects_type = self._parse_type_reference(objects_res["type"], types_map) up_objects: List["up.model.Object"] = [] for name in objects_res["names"]: assert isinstance(name, str), "parsing error" up_objects.append(up.model.Object(name, objects_type)) return up_objects def _parse_action( self, action_res: ParseResults, types_map: Dict[str, "up.model.Type"] ) -> "up.model.Action": name = action_res["name"] assert isinstance(name, str), "parsing error" params = self._parse_parameters_def(action_res["parameters"], types_map) action = up.model.DurativeAction(name, _parameters=params) action_parameters: Dict[str, "up.model.Parameter"] = { n: action.parameter(n) for n in params } self._populate_parsed_action_body( action, action_res["body"], action_parameters, types_map ) return action def _populate_parsed_action_body( self, action: "up.model.DurativeAction", action_body_res: ParseResults, action_parameters: Dict[str, "up.model.Parameter"], types_map: Dict[str, "Type"], ) -> None: for interval_and_exp in action_body_res: relevant_words = { TK_DURATION, TK_ASSIGN, *TKS_INCREASE, *TKS_DECREASE, TK_WHEN, } found_words = find_strings(interval_and_exp, relevant_words) f_duration = TK_DURATION in found_words f_when = TK_WHEN in found_words f_assign = TK_ASSIGN in found_words f_increase = any(tk_increase in found_words for tk_increase in TKS_INCREASE) f_decrease = any(tk_decrease in found_words for tk_decrease in TKS_DECREASE) if f_duration: # handle duration if f_when: raise ANMLSyntaxError( "expressions containing the duration can't be conditional" ) if f_increase: raise ANMLSyntaxError( "expressions containing the duration can't be increase" ) if f_decrease: raise ANMLSyntaxError( "expressions containing the duration can't be decrease" ) duration_exp = interval_and_exp[1][0] if f_assign: # duration assignment if ( duration_exp[0][0] != TK_DURATION or duration_exp[1] != TK_ASSIGN ): raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "An expression contains the duration keyword and the assignment operand " + "but it's not in the supported form: 'duration := exp;'" ) action.set_duration_constraint( FixedDuration( self._parse_expression( duration_exp[2], action_parameters, types_map ) ) ) else: if duration_exp[1] == TK_EQUALS: # duration == exp if duration_exp[0][0] != TK_DURATION: raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "An expression contains the duration keyword and the equals operand " + "but it's not in the supported form: 'duration == exp;'" ) action.set_duration_constraint( FixedDuration( self._parse_expression( duration_exp[2], action_parameters, types_map ) ) ) else: if duration_exp[1] != TK_AND: raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "An expression that contains the duration keyword and no equals or assignment operand " + "is supported only if the top level operand is an and. The supported form is: 'duration < exp and duration >= exp;'" ) left_bound = duration_exp[0] right_bound = duration_exp[2] if ( left_bound[0][0] != TK_DURATION or right_bound[0][0] != TK_DURATION ): raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "A duration expression in the form: 'duration < exp and duration >= exp;' is only " + "supported with the duration on the left side of the relational operator." ) if left_bound[1] not in (TK_GT, TK_GE): left_bound, right_bound = right_bound, left_bound if left_bound[1] not in (TK_GT, TK_GE): raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "duration expression in the form: 'duration > exp and duration < exp;' detected, " + f"but was found {left_bound[1]} instead of '>/>='." ) if right_bound[1] not in (TK_LT, TK_LE): raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "duration expression in the form: 'duration > exp and duration < exp;' detected, " + f"but was found {right_bound[1]} instead of '</<='." ) is_left_open = left_bound[1] == TK_GT is_right_open = right_bound[1] == TK_LT l_bound_exp = self._parse_expression( left_bound[2], action_parameters, types_map ) r_bound_exp = self._parse_expression( right_bound[2], action_parameters, types_map ) action.set_duration_constraint( DurationInterval( l_bound_exp, r_bound_exp, is_left_open, is_right_open ) ) # end handle duration elif f_assign or f_increase or f_decrease: # handle effects up_timing, up_effect = self._parse_assignment( interval_and_exp, action_parameters, types_map ) action._add_effect_instance(up_timing, up_effect) # end handle effects else: # handle condition if f_when: raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "when keyword used in an action precondition is not supported by the UP." ) up_interval = self._parse_interval( interval_and_exp[0], action_parameters, types_map ) exp_res = interval_and_exp[1][0] condition = self._parse_expression( exp_res, action_parameters, types_map ) action.add_condition(up_interval, condition) def _parse_parameters_def( self, parameters_res: ParseResults, types_map: Dict[str, "Type"] ) -> "OrderedDict[str, Type]": up_params: "OrderedDict[str, Type]" = OrderedDict() for parameter_res in parameters_res: param_type_res = parameter_res[0] param_name_res = parameter_res[1] assert isinstance(param_name_res, str) up_params[param_name_res] = self._parse_type_reference( param_type_res, types_map ) return up_params def _parse_interval( self, interval_res: ParseResults, parameters: Dict[str, "Parameter"], types_map: Dict[str, "Type"], is_global: bool = False, is_constant: bool = False, ) -> Union["Timing", "TimeInterval"]: if len(interval_res) == 0: if is_global: if is_constant: return GlobalStartTiming() raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "ANML constant initialization is currently not supported." ) else: return StartTiming() contains_TK_ALL = TK_ALL in find_strings(interval_res, set((TK_ALL,))) if len(interval_res) == 3: l_par = interval_res[0] timing_exp = interval_res[1] r_par = interval_res[2] assert l_par in (TK_L_PARENTHESIS, TK_L_BRACKET) and r_par in ( TK_R_PARENTHESIS, TK_R_BRACKET, ), "parsing error" if contains_TK_ALL: # prepare start and end, used later start, end = ( (GlobalStartTiming(), GlobalEndTiming()) if is_global else (StartTiming(), EndTiming()) ) if len(timing_exp) != 1: # TODO probably add additional check on all raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( f"with the {TK_ALL} timing no expression is accepted" ) else: if l_par != TK_L_BRACKET: raise ANMLSyntaxError( "point intervals can't have '('; use '[' instead" ) if r_par != TK_R_BRACKET: raise ANMLSyntaxError( "point intervals can't have ')'; use ']' instead" ) return self._parse_timing(timing_exp, parameters, types_map, is_global) else: assert len(interval_res) == 4, "Parsing error, not able to handle" l_par = interval_res[0] start = self._parse_timing( interval_res[1], parameters, types_map, is_global ) end = self._parse_timing(interval_res[2], parameters, types_map, is_global) r_par = interval_res[3] if l_par == TK_L_BRACKET and r_par == TK_R_BRACKET: return up.model.ClosedTimeInterval(start, end) elif l_par == TK_L_BRACKET: return up.model.RightOpenTimeInterval(start, end) elif r_par == TK_R_BRACKET: return up.model.LeftOpenTimeInterval(start, end) return up.model.OpenTimeInterval(start, end) def _parse_timing( self, timing_exp_res: ParseResults, parameters: Dict[str, "Parameter"], types_map: Dict[str, "Type"], is_global: bool = False, ) -> "up.model.Timing": assert len(timing_exp_res) == 1, "parsing error" parsed_timing_exp = self._parse_expression( timing_exp_res, parameters, types_map, is_global ).simplify() if parsed_timing_exp.is_timing_exp(): return parsed_timing_exp.timing() elif ( parsed_timing_exp.is_int_constant() or parsed_timing_exp.is_real_constant() ): if not is_global: raise ANMLSyntaxError( f"Interval without start or end outside of an action is not valid." ) delay = parsed_timing_exp.constant_value() if delay < 0: raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( f"Implicit start interval has delay {delay}, which is negative. UP currently only supports positive delays." ) return GlobalStartTiming(delay) elif parsed_timing_exp.is_plus() or parsed_timing_exp.is_minus(): if len(parsed_timing_exp.args) != 2: raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( f"Timing parsed: {parsed_timing_exp}. UP currently only supports", f" {TK_START} + constant, {TK_END} - constant or just a constant", ) timing_exp = parsed_timing_exp.arg(0) delay_exp = parsed_timing_exp.arg(1) if parsed_timing_exp.is_plus() and not timing_exp.is_timing_exp(): timing_exp, delay_exp = delay_exp, timing_exp if not timing_exp.is_timing_exp() or ( not delay_exp.is_int_constant() and not delay_exp.is_real_constant() ): raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( f"Timing parsed: {parsed_timing_exp}. UP currently only supports", f" {TK_START} + constant, {TK_END} - constant or just a constant", ) timing = timing_exp.timing() delay = delay_exp.constant_value() if ( parsed_timing_exp.is_plus() and (delay < 0 or not timing.is_from_start()) ) or ( parsed_timing_exp.is_minus() and (delay < 0 or not timing.is_from_end()) ): raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( f"Timing parsed: {parsed_timing_exp}. UP currently only supports", f" {TK_START} + constant, {TK_END} - constant or just a constant", ) if parsed_timing_exp.is_minus(): delay = -delay return Timing(delay, timing.timepoint) else: raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( f"Timing parsed: {parsed_timing_exp}. UP currently only supports", f" {TK_START} + constant, {TK_END} - constant or just a constant", ) def _check_conditional_intervals( self, interval_res: ParseResults, condition_interval: ParseResults, effect_interval: ParseResults, ) -> ParseResults: # interval_res is the interval defined outside the conditional block # condition_interval is the interval defined before the condition # effect_interval is the interval defined before the effect res = None if interval_res: res = interval_res if condition_interval and res is not None: if str(condition_interval) != str(res): raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "In conditional effect parsing the " + "condition time interval and the time interval outside the block are different, " + "this is not supported by the UP." ) elif condition_interval: res = condition_interval if effect_interval and res is not None: if str(effect_interval) != str(res): raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "In conditional effect parsing the " + "condition time interval and the time interval outside the block are different, " + "this is not supported by the UP." ) elif effect_interval: res = effect_interval if res is None: return interval_res return res def _parse_assignment( self, interval_and_effect: ParseResults, parameters: Dict[str, "up.model.Parameter"], types_map: Dict[str, "Type"], is_global: bool = False, ) -> Tuple["Timing", "Effect"]: interval_res = interval_and_effect[0] effect_res = interval_and_effect[1] if effect_res[0] == TK_WHEN: # Conditional effect condition_interval = effect_res[1][0] condition_exp_res = effect_res[1][1] effect_interval = effect_res[2][0] effect_exp = effect_res[2][1][0] condition = self._parse_expression(condition_exp_res, parameters, types_map) interval_res = self._check_conditional_intervals( interval_res, condition_interval, effect_interval ) else: condition = self._em.TRUE() effect_exp = effect_res[0] variables: Dict[str, "up.model.Variable"] = {} if effect_exp[0] == TK_FORALL: # Forall assignment variables = dict( ( (n, Variable(n, t)) for n, t in self._parse_parameters_def( effect_exp["quantifier_variables"], types_map ).items() ) ) effect_exp = effect_exp[2] if effect_exp[0] == TK_WHEN: # Conditional effect assert len(effect_exp) == 3, "Multiple expressions in forall assignment" condition_interval = effect_exp[1][0] condition_exp_res = effect_exp[1][1] effect_interval = effect_exp[2][0] effect_exp = effect_exp[2][1][0] interval_res = self._check_conditional_intervals( interval_res, condition_interval, effect_interval ) condition = self._em.And( self._parse_expression( condition_exp_res, parameters, types_map, variables=variables ), condition, ) else: effect_exp = effect_exp[0] fluent_ref = effect_exp[0] assignment_operator = effect_exp[1] assigned_expression = effect_exp[2] up_fluent = self._parse_expression( fluent_ref, parameters, types_map, variables=variables ) if not up_fluent.is_fluent_exp(): raise ANMLSyntaxError("left side of the assignment is not a valid fluent") is_constant = up_fluent.fluent() in self._constant_fluents up_interval = self._parse_interval( interval_res, parameters, types_map, is_global, is_constant ) up_value = self._parse_expression( assigned_expression, parameters, types_map, variables=variables ) if assignment_operator == TK_ASSIGN: kind = EffectKind.ASSIGN elif assignment_operator in TKS_INCREASE: kind = EffectKind.INCREASE elif assignment_operator in TKS_DECREASE: kind = EffectKind.DECREASE else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Currently the unified planning does not support the assignment operator {assignment_operator}" ) if not isinstance(up_interval, Timing): raise UPUnsupportedProblemTypeError( "An effect with a durative interval is not supported" ) return ( up_interval, Effect( up_fluent, up_value, condition, kind=kind, forall=variables.values() ), ) def _parse_expression( self, expression: Union[ParseResults, List, str], parameters: Dict[str, "up.model.Parameter"], types_map: Dict[str, "Type"], is_global: Optional[bool] = None, variables: Optional[Dict[str, "up.model.Variable"]] = None, ) -> "up.model.FNode": # A string here means it is a number or a boolean token. To avoid code duplication, just # wrap it in a temporary list and let the stack management handle it. if isinstance(expression, str): expression = [expression] vars = {} if variables is None else variables stack: List[ Tuple[Union[ParseResults, List, str], bool, Dict[str, "Variable"]] ] = [(expression, False, vars)] solved: List[FNode] = [] while len(stack) > 0: exp, already_expanded, vars = stack.pop() if already_expanded: assert isinstance(exp, ParseResults) or isinstance(exp, List) if len(exp) <= 1: assert len(exp) == 1, "algorithm error" pass elif len(exp) == 2: first_elem = exp[0] if isinstance(first_elem, List) or isinstance( first_elem, ParseResults ): # parameters list second_elem = exp[1] assert isinstance(second_elem, List) or isinstance( second_elem, ParseResults ) pass elif first_elem == TK_MINUS: # unary minus solved.append(self._em.Times(-1, solved.pop())) elif first_elem == TK_PLUS: # unary plus pass # already ok, nothing to do -> 0+x = x elif first_elem == TK_NOT: # negation solved.append(self._em.Not(solved.pop())) elif first_elem in ( TK_START, TK_END, TK_ALL, ): # start, end or all timing_exp if is_global is None: raise ANMLSyntaxError( f"{first_elem} is found outside of a timed expression." ) assert ( first_elem != TK_ALL ), "Error, this case should have been handled before." solved.append( self._em.TimingExp(self._timings[(first_elem, is_global)]) ) elif first_elem in vars: # quantifier variable solved.append(self._em.VariableExp(vars[first_elem])) elif first_elem in parameters: # parameter exp solved.append(self._em.ParameterExp(parameters[first_elem])) elif self._problem.has_fluent(first_elem): # fluent exp fluent = self._problem.fluent(first_elem) fluent_args = tuple(solved.pop() for _ in range(fluent.arity)) solved.append(self._em.FluentExp(fluent, fluent_args)) elif self._problem.has_object(first_elem): # object exp solved.append( self._em.ObjectExp(self._problem.object(first_elem)) ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Currently the UP does not support the expression {exp}" ) elif len(exp) == 3: # binary operator or parameters list first_token = exp[0] if isinstance(first_token, str) and first_token in ( TK_FORALL, TK_EXISTS, ): assert isinstance(exp, ParseResults) or isinstance(exp, list) quantified_expressions = [solved.pop() for _ in exp[2]] solved.append( self._operators[first_token]( self._em.And(quantified_expressions), *vars.values() ) ) else: operator = exp[1] if isinstance(operator, List): # parameters list assert isinstance(exp[0], List) and isinstance(exp[2], List) pass elif isinstance(operator, str): # binary operator # '==' needs special care, because in ANML it can both mean '==' or 'Iff', # but in the UP those 2 cases are handled differently. if operator == TK_EQUALS: first_arg = solved.pop() second_arg = solved.pop() if first_arg.type.is_bool_type(): solved.append(self._em.Iff(first_arg, second_arg)) else: solved.append( self._em.Equals(first_arg, second_arg) ) else: func = self._operators.get(operator, None) if func is not None: first_arg = solved.pop() second_arg = solved.pop() solved.append(func(first_arg, second_arg)) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Currently the UP does not support the parsing of the {operator} operator." ) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Currently the UP does not support the expression {exp}" ) else: # expression longer than 3, must be a parameters list for e in exp: assert isinstance(e, List) or isinstance( e, ParseResults ), f"expression {exp} is expected to be a parameters list, but it's not" pass else: # not solved if isinstance(exp, ParseResults) or isinstance(exp, List): first_token = exp[0] if isinstance(first_token, str) and first_token in ( TK_FORALL, TK_EXISTS, ): # quantifier assert isinstance(exp, ParseResults) or isinstance( exp, list ), f"{exp} <- {expression}, {type(exp)}" name_type = self._parse_parameters_def(exp[1], types_map) new_vars = {n: Variable(n, t) for n, t in name_type.items()} stack.append((exp, True, new_vars)) all_vars = vars.copy() all_vars.update(new_vars) for e in exp[2]: stack.append((e, False, all_vars)) else: stack.append((exp, True, vars)) for e in exp: if not isinstance(e, str): # nested structure if len(e) > 0: stack.append((e, False, vars)) else: assert isinstance(e, str) if ( e.isnumeric() or is_float(e) or e == TK_TRUE or e == TK_FALSE ): stack.append((e, False, vars)) elif isinstance(exp, str): if exp.isnumeric(): # int solved.append(self._em.Int(int(exp))) elif is_float(exp): # float solved.append(self._em.Real(Fraction(float(exp)))) elif exp == TK_TRUE: # true solved.append(self._em.TRUE()) elif exp == TK_FALSE: # false solved.append(self._em.FALSE()) else: raise ANMLSyntaxError(f"Unable to solve {exp}") else: raise NotImplementedError assert len(stack) == 0 assert len(solved) == 1, f"{expression}" res = solved.pop() return res.simplify()
def is_float(string: str) -> bool: try: float(string) return True except ValueError: return False def find_strings(result: Union[ParseResults, List], strings: Set[str]) -> Set[str]: stack: List[Union[ParseResults, List]] = [result] container: Set[str] = set() while len(stack) > 0: res = stack.pop() for word in res: if isinstance(word, ParseResults) or isinstance(word, List): stack.append(word) else: assert isinstance(word, str) if word in strings: container.add(word) if container == strings: return container return container