Source code for unified_planning.environment

# Copyright 2021-2023 AIPlan4EU project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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This module defines the `Environment` class.
The `Environment` is a structure that contains multiple
singleton objects that are used throughout the system,
such as the :func:`ExpressionManager <unified_planning.Environment.expression_manager>`, :func:`TypeChecker <unified_planning.Environment.type_checker>`, :func:`ExpressionManager <unified_planning.Environment.expression_manager>`, :func:`TypeManager <unified_planning.Environment.type_manager>`.

import sys
from typing import IO, Optional
import unified_planning

[docs] class Environment: """ Represents the environment in the `unified_planning` library. The `Environment` is a structure that contains multiple singleton objects that are used throughout the system, such as the :func:`ExpressionManager <unified_planning.Environment.expression_manager>`, :func:`TypeChecker <unified_planning.Environment.type_checker>`, :func:`Factory <unified_planning.Environment.factory>`, :func:`TypeManager <unified_planning.Environment.type_manager>`. """ def __init__(self): import unified_planning.model import unified_planning.engines import unified_planning.model.walkers import unified_planning.model.type_manager self._type_manager = unified_planning.model.type_manager.TypeManager() self._factory = unified_planning.engines.Factory(self) self._tc = unified_planning.model.walkers.TypeChecker(self) self._expression_manager = unified_planning.model.ExpressionManager(self) self._free_vars_oracle = unified_planning.model.FreeVarsOracle() self._simplifier = unified_planning.model.walkers.Simplifier(self) self._substituter = unified_planning.model.walkers.Substituter(self) self._free_vars_extractor = unified_planning.model.walkers.FreeVarsExtractor() self._names_extractor = unified_planning.model.walkers.NamesExtractor() self._credits_stream: Optional[IO[str]] = sys.stdout self._error_used_name: bool = True # The getstate and setstate method are needed in the Parallel engine. The # Parallel engine creates a deep copy of the Environment instance in # another process by pickling the environment fields. # Since the IO[str] class is not picklable, we need to remove it from the # state and then add it as None in the new process def __getstate__(self): state = self.__dict__.copy() # Don't pickle _credits_stream del state["_credits_stream"] return state def __setstate__(self, state): self.__dict__.update(state) # Add _credits_stream back since it doesn't exist in the pickle self._credits_stream = None @property def error_used_name(self) -> bool: return self._error_used_name @error_used_name.setter def error_used_name(self, new_val: bool): """ This flag determines if a problem in this environment can have the same name for different elements (like an Action and a Fluent). If it is True, this name duplication will raise an exception, if it is False it will only raise a warning. It always raise an exception to name in the same way 2 elements belonging to the same category, like 2 actions. """ self._error_used_name = new_val @property def free_vars_oracle(self) -> "unified_planning.model.FreeVarsOracle": """Returns the environment's `FreeVarsOracle`.""" return self._free_vars_oracle @property def expression_manager(self) -> "unified_planning.model.ExpressionManager": """Returns the environment's `ExpressionManager`.""" return self._expression_manager @property def type_manager(self) -> "unified_planning.model.type_manager.TypeManager": """Returns the environment's `TypeManager`.""" return self._type_manager @property def type_checker(self) -> "unified_planning.model.walkers.TypeChecker": """Returns the environment's `TypeChecker`.""" """Get the Type Checker""" return self._tc @property def factory(self) -> "unified_planning.engines.Factory": """Returns the environment's `Factory`.""" return self._factory @property def simplifier(self) -> "unified_planning.model.walkers.Simplifier": """Returns the environment's `Simplifier`.""" return self._simplifier @property def substituter(self) -> "unified_planning.model.walkers.Substituter": """Returns the environment's `Substituter`.""" return self._substituter @property def free_vars_extractor(self) -> "unified_planning.model.walkers.FreeVarsExtractor": """Returns the environment's `FreeVarsExtractor`.""" return self._free_vars_extractor @property def names_extractor(self) -> "unified_planning.model.walkers.NamesExtractor": """Returns the environment's `NamesExtractor`.""" return self._names_extractor @property def credits_stream(self) -> "Optional[IO[str]]": """Returns the stream where the :class:`Engines <unified_planning.engines.Engine>` :func:`credits <unified_planning.engines.Engine.get_credits>` are printed.""" return self._credits_stream @credits_stream.setter def credits_stream(self, new_credits_stream: Optional[IO[str]]): """Sets the stream where the :class:`Engines <unified_planning.engines.Engine>` :func:`credits <unified_planning.engines.Engine.get_credits>` are printed.""" self._credits_stream = new_credits_stream
GLOBAL_ENVIRONMENT: Optional[Environment] = None def get_environment(environment: Optional[Environment] = None) -> Environment: """ Returns the given environment if it is not `None`, returns the `GLOBAL_ENVIRONMENT` otherwise. :param environment: The environment to return. :return: The given `environment` if it is not `None`, the `GLOBAL_ENVIRONMENT` otherwise. """ global GLOBAL_ENVIRONMENT if environment is None: if GLOBAL_ENVIRONMENT is None: GLOBAL_ENVIRONMENT = Environment() return GLOBAL_ENVIRONMENT else: return environment